What tech company will be the first to stand up and say that gutting the NSF is bad actually?
The economic argument seems pretty clear
Less NSF --> fewer PhD students --> fewer researchers --> smaller AI tech pipeline --> slower progress --> less competitive globally
The economic argument seems pretty clear
Less NSF --> fewer PhD students --> fewer researchers --> smaller AI tech pipeline --> slower progress --> less competitive globally
But it hurts all aspects of CS, Math, Engineering, physics, etc. too. Need to speak to their myopic views
Meh, they've drunk the right-wing kool-aid, or are too cowed to step up.
Fewer research grants also means fewer MS students and undergrads engaged in research too.
It means fewer faculty to teach and lower-quality B.S. grads.
Train them yourselves? Universities are government subsidized workforce training.
If universities weren't working, big tech cos would be recruiting straight from high-schools.