"If it continues like this, the United States will not score as a democracy when we release [next year's] data," said Staffan Lindberg, head of the Varieties of Democracy project, run out of Sweden's University of Gothenburg. https://www.cbc.ca/news/world/trump-democracy-report-1.7486317
Mix together a right wing media juggernaut, disinformation, content overload, racism, misogyny and a generally disinterested electorate into a toxic stew and you can destroy a democracy without firing a shot.
Decades to recover. If ever. 😔
This country is supposed to be a Democratic Republic with an economy of socialistic capitalism.
But we need to keep the democratic part in the republic part & for the republic part to function more democratically & more synergy in our economy for that to really work for us all, here...
what the US military will do
if Trump gives orders
to follow Putin's commands.
80 years protected
Western democracies,
with courage & fortitude,
now reduced to
a larger Belarus.
Is it so easy
to flush 250 years
of freedom,
down the authoritarian
Realistically though MAGA is a cult. It's the cult of BS, where they believe in the fake dogma delivered by the fake prophets...