The Russian 5th Brigade has received a batch of wounded soldiers from the hospital as "reinforcements." These men, many barely able to walk and suffering from various injuries, are now being prepared for battle.
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They wouldn't be crying if they were walking over the dead bodies of Ukrainians, looting their homes, and raping their wives and daughters. They signed up willingly, I have zero pity. I wish them the worst.
Serving in Ukraine is done on a voluntary basis, they made a choice to murder for money, now they reap what they wanted to sow. Telegram is available in Russia, they could see what happens in Ukraine the same as we can, they chose poorly.
Exactly, thank you & well said.
I’m so fcking tired of hearing the sympathetic shit from people. Let them have these bastards around the people they love then.
You do you, as I said. Not one single generation of my parents families including my parents haven’t suffered & endured their barbarity.Including Holodomor on my mother’s side.
They are all responsible, not just their ruzzian czar.
My grandparents' generation was so filled with hate for Russians, that they pretty much without exception thought that the only good Russian is a dead Russian.
Compassion mainly helps you. You can still rejoice of Ukrainian lives saved, whenever an orc does. Orc life is a tragedy.
"That's just not right, Tovarishchi.
You have injuries and you will cost the state too much to care for you.
Now you go back to the front and die like heroes!"
Honestly I couldn’t give a single shit.
These are still the same fckers that are on Ukrainian soil to kill Ukrainians.
I highly doubt if these bastards came to kill, rape & torture you & your’s you would sympathise with them.
Someone should tell them that if their commander isn't joining them (which, based on LITERALLY every report I've heard, they will NOT), to go until they see the first destroyed tank, then drop their gear and wave a white flag while running toward civilization. No weapon and white flag to LIVE!
They can stay with Russia and get wounded and re-sent to the line until they die, or they can QUIT dying for Putin's war criminal farce and GET MEDICAL ATTENTION, FOOD, WATER AND SAFETY from the Ukrainians who actually RESPECT the Geneva Convention and DON'T murder POWs like the Russian war crimnals
Given the increasing frequency of such cases, it appears the Kremlin is disposing of what Borodai recently referred to as "ballast." These soldiers are no longer wanted back in Russia, where the state would have to support them for the rest of their incapacitated lives.
In addition, the number of volunteers for war is decreasing. In Moscow alone, the number may have fallen by 80% in the last few months.
The commanders also know how to make money from dead soldiers.
In addition, some of them may have shot themselves in the foot, or they are convicts.
They simply can't produce enough advanced prosthetics either, there are some companies but they are producing 100s a year only. Costs too much and takes too long.
Prospect of an Ukrainian soldier getting one sooner or later is much better.
Difference between EU and Mordor
They were used, many never received the payments they were promised, and those who survived the brutal assaults are now being sent back to the front once again. once (Twitter) had a baffling report about what happened with Russian war-cripples/-beggars in either (or probably both) WWI & WWII.
Removed from cities for being a nuisance & eyesore, transported & locked up far away, in camps/mental-wards/psychatric-institutions, never seen again.
Btw, ever seen docu's about the Hitlerjugend in those same last days, overrun by Allied forces?
Dressed as civilians, ferocious eager to sabotage.
Caught by allied troops.
For not wearing uniform, not considered regular troops, yet committing warcrimes.
Executed, legally. once (Twitter) had a baffling report about what happened with Russian war-cripples/-beggars in either (or probably both) WWI & WWII.
Removed from cities for being a nuisance & eyesore, transported & locked up far away, in camps/mental-wards/psychatric-institutions, never seen again.
Was that also part of the “SMO” objectives?
Ukrainians have to protect themselves. What I mean is that it's ok to feel pity for them. They are human.
It's healthier to direct you hate against the Russian state and Russian culture (which many of these soldiers are victims of).
I’m so fcking tired of hearing the sympathetic shit from people. Let them have these bastards around the people they love then.
They are all responsible, not just their ruzzian czar.
As I feel sorry for ill equipped Kievan 44th division that were sent to invade Finland and were frozen/killed at Raate road during the Winter War.
I guess the difference is that those Ukrainians were forced, while these other Russian minorities choose to do it for money.
My grandparents' generation was so filled with hate for Russians, that they pretty much without exception thought that the only good Russian is a dead Russian.
Compassion mainly helps you. You can still rejoice of Ukrainian lives saved, whenever an orc does. Orc life is a tragedy.
This is a war crime against its own population.
#Russia is a mafia state.
Hope they die a quick death.
You have injuries and you will cost the state too much to care for you.
Now you go back to the front and die like heroes!"
These are still the same fckers that are on Ukrainian soil to kill Ukrainians.
I highly doubt if these bastards came to kill, rape & torture you & your’s you would sympathise with them.
These meatbags signed up to slaughter and pillage for money, and they're learning too late that their lives are as worthless as their rubles.
May their last thought be the knowledge they died for nothing.
Until the nation of slaves and serfs collapses and stops threatening their shit world on others.
Their kids and wives next.
И решительный бой,
С Интернационалом
Воспрянет род людской!
The commanders also know how to make money from dead soldiers.
In addition, some of them may have shot themselves in the foot, or they are convicts.
Does anyone know the actual story what happened to millions of Soviet war invalids?
Prospect of an Ukrainian soldier getting one sooner or later is much better.
Difference between EU and Mordor
Those were HEROES, & sadly, these men are too, giving their last drop of blood in service to their country. This is a fucking travesty.
Removed from cities for being a nuisance & eyesore, transported & locked up far away, in camps/mental-wards/psychatric-institutions, never seen again.
Take with a grain of salt, but wouldn't surprise me if true.
'The Long History of Russian Brutality'
(not for the faint of heart)
(basically meaning that it didn't matter much whether a Russian soldier came home intact or crippled, they ended up in Gulag anyway)
Dressed as civilians, ferocious eager to sabotage.
Caught by allied troops.
For not wearing uniform, not considered regular troops, yet committing warcrimes.
Executed, legally.
Removed from cities for being a nuisance & eyesore, transported & locked up far away, in camps/mental-wards/psychatric-institutions, never seen again.