I was surprised to hear a discussion of Ukraine on Democracy Now! today. Goodman seems to have made an editorial decision to cover Israel/Palestine for the past 18 months excluding Europe. Even though imho Ukraine/Russia has greater purchase on OUR national security.
Like Code Pink, Norman Solomon, Ralph Nader, Noam Chomsky, The Quincy Institute and many,many lesser lights on the Left: Goodman gave prominence to Russian propaganda this time with Jeff Sachs author of economic policies advising Yeltsin that contributed the the current Russian gangster state.
According to all the above the nasty USA was working behind the scenes to provoke Putin’s invasion. The hundreds of thousand Ukrainians gathered in the cold during February 2014 for the EuroMaidan rallies to join the EU and move away from Rusky Mir because they were fed up
With Russian interference, puppets, oligarchs, corruption and gangsterism. All that was manufactured by the CIA the peace prophets tell us. The truth is Ukraine wanted something better. It has been so easy for so long to be “for peace” in this country. But Ukraine is not Viet Nam, Iraq,
Afghanistan, El Salvador, Panama, Grenada. This time we are helping a peaceful country attacked by a mad dog who cannot be satisfied. The Ukrainians are the good guys bravely fighting for democracy, rule of law, legitimate contracts that a court of law will protect, human dignity.
Fighting against the unprovoked aggression of Putin. A gangster who brings war to his neighbor rather than indoor plumbing to 1/2 his population. Now Ukrainians are being lectured on not having an election during war time. It is insulting to dismiss Ukrainian agency as just some CIA astroturf.
*smash cut to Russian tapping a cage full of Ukrainian drones in captivity before one of them decides to just end it and tap their impact grenade into the cage wall.
Kill them,destroy them all until they are scared to even pronounce ukraine. They deserve it all. To the last ruzzian scum. To extinction of their race.only then ukraine will have peace.
Watched a ~10 minute video of russians on dirtbikes. The lead bike was knocked down by a drone, then another while they scrambled around. Then arty starts whooping down, and they all scattered, the whine of drone engines and whistle of arty never stopped following. No Ukrainians encountered or seen
50 on a diet of alcohol and cigarettes. Putin pulls in the hopeless of a society that is broken. There's a parallel to Trump's appeal strategy to the disaffected people right wing media has been cultivating for decades. Despite the differences they can get people to vote against themselves.
Just wait till you see what's next russian soldiers. Shoot your officers. Leave Ukraine. Go to moscow instead. Pay a visit to those who sent you to be slaughtered...
*smash cut to Russian tapping a cage full of Ukrainian drones in captivity before one of them decides to just end it and tap their impact grenade into the cage wall.