After years if watching my snake, Latte, I would like to put forth the theory that snakes are actually very intelligent, capable of solving multi-step puzzles to achieve their goals.
I also think that they are capable of forming bonds, a statement that many snake owners will likely rebuff.
I also think that they are capable of forming bonds, a statement that many snake owners will likely rebuff.
Is anybody aware of any formal studies like this around reptiles?
(also good studies on reptilian emotions as instincts, feeling fear to avoid something, joy to pursue it, etc)
Sorry for the message spam, btw! I've been reading a lot about it today and my excitement just kind of escaped. XD
He has a favorite spot for his sock and he likes to rest his head on it in a way that he can observe the room. If I move the sock, it eventually get put back.
I've been reading (mostly subjective) stories of similar behaviors across species of pet snakes.