Aw, that's gonna up her cute points in Ruby's books. "Let's go, then. Come along~" She offers a hand, already looking behind her. "It's just a short walk from here. Then you'll judge if it's nice or not."
She leads the way happily. It's a pretty short trip, and soon they find themselves in Ruby's apartment. A nice, comfy two-bedroom unit. The living room and attached kitchen area is in this tasteful brick wall-style, the living area surrounded in movie posters, figures, comics, game consoles, just-
-about any kind of geek paraphernalia one can expect.
There may be a few of her cosplay outfits hanging out on the clothing rack, overflows from her actual wardrobe or outfits she recently wore for shoots and haven't bothered to put away.
There may be a few of her cosplay outfits hanging out on the clothing rack, overflows from her actual wardrobe or outfits she recently wore for shoots and haven't bothered to put away.
"Here we are, home sweet home."