Be a fucking man and step aside.. you supported Donald bin Laden Trump CR.. you need to step aside and let Arizona Senator Mark Kelly be in your place
I think we all know there isn't a magic wand or a "fix". I can't speak for everyone, but I want to see reps act like this is the 5 alarm fire it is, and not some academic exercise. How else can we break thru apathy? It took 8 yrs of sustained protests to change the course of the Vietnam War.
Oh I am listening and hearing them alright. I want them out in the streets with us, going in to Republican areas, and speaking. I want them to follow the examples of Bernie, AOC, and Tim Walsh.
We must non-violently stop work 3/22-3/23 for 48 hours, to coincide with any resistance protesting. We must shut down all airline flights, manufacturing, transportation, trucking, seaports, all commerce, state and local government. We must shut down the country!
Here’s an idea.
Pick a Cause. For ex: The economy.
Have Sen Elizabeth Warren and Rep Al Green hold a town hall in a red district to break it down to the voters how this economy does not benefit the working class. Who’s really getting rich.
Media cover it.
Democracy is contentious.
Truth Matters!
best way to lose all of us independent voters is to sit in the democratic dinghy as it leaks and not try to bail yourselves out. we will even hand you the buckets.
This is everyone’s cause. Disgruntled republicans? Speak up. Independents? Speak up. Non-voters? Speak up. This is about working together, folks.
I think people need to understand that this isn't a tv show. Performative gestures that actually wind up doing more hark than good may be great for a temporary morale boost, but effective strategy is often invisible.
The democratic opposition needs a charismatic leader—not of compromise but of conviction.Someone who bends the media narrative, not with fear but with fire. No platitudes—just words that make people believe democracy isn’t a relic. Lukewarm civility won’t stop a steamroller;only a wrecking ball will
Imagine, a party so breathtakingly ineffective that even a man who incited a riot, is extorting Ukraine, alienating allies, tanked the economy, is STILL polling higher in popularity!
This is not a thriller, not a comedy—just a slow, stumbling walk into the Twilight Zone of political incompetence.
I know I wasn't implying it was just those three, I know a lot of been talking and getting out there just seems like the actual leadership in the party right now is lacking.
Yeah, i think it's hard because usually, party leaderhisp focuses on legislation detail and election detail.
But that's not really what this right now is about. They can't do legislation due to a lack of votes in congrees. And it's a little early for elections, beyond special elections.
In the 60s and 70's they protested by burning draft cards, bra's, flags, churches, and sometimes even entire city blocks.
"Burn Baby Burn" was screamed in the streets. Let's say it was not a good time for the government to ignore civil and constitutional rights of it's citizens. History repeats.
All that talking and enjoying all the privileges must be that exhausting, you have to understand that there's not much energy for any true action left.
Why do you think Dem leadership should remain as it is? Do you honestly think Schumer’s plan to wait until 2028 and hope Republicans go back to “normal” is a viable plan? Do you not believe the US is in the midsts of a constitutional crisis?
I stand by my statement.
I say give the GOP enough rope to hang themselves and pounce at the opportune moment or your seen as crying wolf and ppl filter you out. Timing your response for max impact is important and them public needs more time too feel them pain.
Take actual left-libs in the party and create a new one where the members do not take bribes from AIPAC and don't believe in bipartisanship with the conservatives.
Weird place to take it. And no, I don't expect our 70 yo Democratic Congressmen to take up mass shootings.
The party isn't taking Trump to court, activist groups are. We need the Dems to legally fight to protect their constitutional powers, not just shrug that they are not in charge.
I understand your frustration. I'm right there with you. However, I'd like to share thoughts on some of the suggestions.
1. Congressmen and women are not allowed to take legal action against the Executive Branch. Attempt could end up in expulsion/impeachment by GOP.
Need to explain my statement - According to a Supreme Court case, Individual members of Congress cannot ("do not have the standing") to sue executive branch.
However, Congress as whole or a House of Congress could potentially be allowed ("plausible argument of institutional standing"). However, it would generally be up to the court to allow. In short, risky at best.
Special interest groups are fighting in courts - help them by supporting their efforts.
Instead of criticizing, contact Dems to ask questions about your concerns.
2. Dems sharing their strategy to fight may not be best course of action, as it would allow GOP to put together a counter strategy to block their efforts. This is why GOP does everything in secrecy.
Truly, the most effective action comes from the public - voting & influencing public opinion. Until such time when special elections & elections are held - boycotts, protests, supporting those who are fighting is what we can do.
The more contact with your representatives at town halls, letters, or calls, and to media to bring attention the dissatisfaction with government actions, the more influence can be gained to encourage change.
Stop with the effing polls, already!!! Read the room. ONLY Dems and Independents are fighting back. Repubs and gullibles are still aiding and abetting.
It feels like Dems are not fighting back because we are trained to look for that ONE charismatic voice. Dems ARE speaking up! There was a candidate who forewarned about this. We did not listen.So maga sped up their master plan and intensified their attacks. And we’re ready to listen now???🤔
Germany has now updated its travel advice for the United States. This is because several Germans have been detained at the border despite having a visa or ESTA for the United States.
Dems/Reps are a broken system. They have both utterly failed us. We need new leadership, a completely new slate, with new rules that immediately outlaw lobbyists and stock purchases by politicians while in office. Tax churches. It is time.
I love how democratic constitutes seeing something is wrong show it the polls. If the politicians need a reminder that they work for us, it's one way to inform them. The Maga Republicans accept a Fascist with cheers rather than disdain, and democracy means little to them.
Who are you talking about? You need to watch the evening news. Believing what polls say is part of the problem. Most Dems have been busy fighting the authoritarian radicals unleashed by the gullible voters. Everyone Dem or Rep who voted for trump need to be out there too.
The Declaration of Independence says that we not only have the right, but we also have the duty to alter or abolish any government that does not secure our unalienable rights, including life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
After watching Schumer on Chris Hayes I can SORT of understand why Schumer did what he did. Sounds like his choice was between poison ivy or terminal cancer.
They are polling low because even democratic leaning voters are mostly dipshits that don’t know how the system works. Stop saying “fight back” without citing HOW. They control nothing and the opposition doesn’t care about laws that aren’t enforced at gunpoint. What exactly would you have them do?
And I’m not saying there ISN’T things they can be doing, but call those things out. A call for action should be for a specific action. A movement needs a goal, and this “resist” rhetoric doesn’t appear to have one. So WHAT do you want them to do? Let’s make them do THAT!
The midterms should be a landslide victory for the Dems, but they are nowhere to be found. Bern/AOC/Walz and others are out there with the same stale message and no fkn plan on how to solve the problem. If they do not have a Veto Proof Majority on 9/4/26 MILLIONS will die as our Democracy is killed.
Is a country as divided as we are worth saving? Do we really want to have to deal with evil people every election cycle and always fear to be on the brink of disaster? I am personally sick and tired already.
Real talk! The grass roots voter who happens to be Democratic are doing things. The power is the people. It’s the Senate and the House. That’s why they will get their shares of discomfort at town halls.
I was arguing with a MAGA the other day, and this is the one point that I couldn’t counter. The current Dem leadership is significantly unprepared for this fight. Especially with how fragmented the left is naturally. Fix the party or we need to build a new one to replace it.
It is. The Americans' standard for the left is pretty right leaning. If dems were placed in a EU country, they would be considered capitalist right winger who are against the working class.
The democratic party has been complicit in several different genocides, they consistently vote for corporate interests instead of the people. It is, by function, a right wing party. It doesnt matter that its SUPPOSED to be slightly left of center
Im not really sure what you were going for there. I didnt choose the winning party either. Its not my fault both main parties are dogshit and people keep voting for dogshit.
The oligarchs/robber barons have bought and paid for the world's governments in order to perpetuate trickle-up economics across the globe and feed their greed. Establishment Dems are in their pockets, we're on our own. Only one way to fight back:
There is plenty of room in El Salvador prisons. They are getting millions to prison trumps enemies at our taxpayers' expense, crickets from both sides of congress, Americans need to vote these spineless cowards out
Exactly. Also, let’s be clear: moving further right and trying to be even more Republican Lite is not the answer. Be the opposite of Republicans, not same as.
The left hasn't had anyone to vote for in quite a while. All we've had offered to us is Republican or Republican-lite Democrats. The Overton window has shifted too far to consider otherwise.
Look, we had obama for two terms and we were FINALLY talking about some issues in 2016. Univeral healthcare was discussed more than I've ever seen it on a national stage. Getting close.
And the left whines about hillary and kamala nonstop and now lost DECADES.
People were talking about universal healthcare because of Bernie and his supporters pushing for it. It had nothing to do with Biden.
The left complains about both Hilary and Kamala because they aren't left. Simple as that.
Universal HC was in the platform, but it wasn’t a priority then as hc didn’t come with the costs that it does today. I remember my union grocery HC in the late ‘80’s, no premium, no co-pay $10 prescriptions and it covered most things, with my wife’s same coverage, my first son’s birth was free.
That's just it. Not a lot they can do. Lawsuits, but anyone can file lawsuits. Town halls, but that's often just talking to other dems. Maybe some procedural delays. They can possibly stall the budget but, schumer did fuck that up.
It's almost like we voted them in to speak on our behalf or something. 🙄 Another round of phone calls and emails to my elected officials it is... get off your behinds and DO something, stop enabling them. So frustrating this is.
Where has that money come from? I like Trump, Schumer doesn’t steal money through fraud! Trump on the other hand steals everything through fraud, and he’s been convicted as a felon on 34 counts of fraud whereas Schumer hasn’t.
Trump stole billions of dollars, and gets away Scot free! Chuck Schumer earned that money. Big difference! They may have both made money in Real Estate, but Chuck Schumer did it legally! Trump never paid his workers! That’s why he was done for fraud.
We can start by telling them to stop paying attention to polls, because the only thing that's going to do is cause everyone to misinterpret the data (the MSM "spin" on this is going to be that the Dems are unpopular because people prefer TrumpIan fascism and "woke" Dems aren't complying fast enough)
I'm just saying that the Dems focusing on doing what is right and just, instead of trying to figure which way the wind is blowing (and then being blown off-course anyway) would do a lot of good
After all, of 75% of the public approved of our rapid decline into fascist ruin, would you conclude that Dems *shouldn't* fight, as not to ruffle any feathers?
That point is that *not* the conclusion that's ever going to be extracted and reported from these dumb polls, so Dems are better off ignoring them and concentrating on what's just REGARDLESS of how much popularity they they get from the American public.
And AGAIN the point is that that's not the conclusion that's going to be reached by these pool numbers, because the oh-so deep thought process of our political apparatus is that Trump's bigger numbers means *that's* the direction that the public likes and Dems need to get on the program with it.
No argument there. (Again, I'm not against any anger toward the Dems and Schumer in general. I just don't think these dumb polls results ever go on the direction "us libs" *want* them to go, so focusing on them ends up being a counterintuitive waste of time.)
I don't understand the democracy in the USA very well. A two party system does not give the people many options because there is more than ''against'' or in ''favor'' of something. There are more solutions on one subject. More parties might give better and maybe more positive solutions.
I’m so torn on this. I’m furious at our elected Dems for not fighting back and just being feckless wonders and at the same time I want it all to burn so MAGA feels the pain of their stupidity.
How about Independents? No one talks about them. It is their country too. Why do the Democrats have to do everything? I know Independents are wishy washy, but time to stand up.
If they won’t fight for us, what do we need them for ? It’s time to stand up against TYRANNY ! Trump thru Musk, or vice versa, are finishing what Trump started the last time he was POTUS ! Fight him, or get the hell out of the way !
Get loud and proud, instead of hand wringing and playing by the old rules. The GOP has been playing by a different set of rules and they are winning. So either change or wither away to nothing!
Baseball bats, rocket launchers, sniper rifles, mini-guns & drones are legal to be purchased, owned and used in the US by individuals of any sex, race, color or political bias.
why blame them instead of the voters? They tried to warn them and the voters apparently wanted the gop and trump to have total control. Blame the gop for going all out for fascism. I don’t blame the dems for just watching the people get what they wanted.
Nah. Polling low because 100% of Republicans rate the Democrats as somewhere below wood ticks no matter what, then you add to that some percentage of democrats are annoyed because their party isn't doing a lot of big histrionic gestures that might help but probably won't.
I want them to lead. I want them to pick a leader who has a plan. I want them to communicate to us what the plan is. I want them to have plans ready to go for when Trump/GOP does illegal stuff.
The USA citizens voted AGAINST them. DESPITE what the fascist dictator said: You decided and made it clear that you don't want them to lead. Now live with that shit. Unfortunately we all have to face WWIII now
Exactly this. I'm nearly as pissed at these ineffectual elected people as I am at the people who voted for Trump. DO YOUR JOB! ENFORCE THE CONSTITUTION YOU TOOK AN OATH TO DEFEND!
MAGAts deem Democrats crazy. When deemed crazy, you are marginalized. Democrats need to be dangerous. When deemed dangerous, you are feared. Yes, fear can make MAGAts dangerous too. But they already are. They were smart about it, first being dangerous to their own representatives.
Remember to call your US Senator today and leave a message demanding the removal of Chuck Schumer from leadership.
With him in charge all the Democrat Party will do is roll over.
He has to go.
And just screaming "do something" and FAKING like they have a magic button to fix it, feels dishonest.
Many dems are talking back and supporting lawsuits.
If you have something specific, by all means.. complain.
Did you even know that they did?
Do you care that they did?
Did it break through the apathy that they did these things?
There's a point when you not even noticing or it making a difference seems to prove a point against you.
Pick a Cause. For ex: The economy.
Have Sen Elizabeth Warren and Rep Al Green hold a town hall in a red district to break it down to the voters how this economy does not benefit the working class. Who’s really getting rich.
Media cover it.
Democracy is contentious.
Truth Matters!
Do you need to be in the streets and calling your reps and senators ?
We use our keyboard. We honor character restrictions and respect other bluesky members.
We are not here to save the MAGAt's from themselves.
If you vote for this filth, then you can deal with it.
This is not a thriller, not a comedy—just a slow, stumbling walk into the Twilight Zone of political incompetence.
Strange that the leaders that are going out there and showing real anger are doing so well like Bernie, AOC and Crockett.
Many dems are talking. Odd you only focus on the ones you want.
Those are the 3 most popular Democrats in the party at the moment that are getting out there. Tim Walz has been speaking out and a few others.
Theyve been involved in lawsuits.
But that's not really what this right now is about. They can't do legislation due to a lack of votes in congrees. And it's a little early for elections, beyond special elections.
"Burn Baby Burn" was screamed in the streets. Let's say it was not a good time for the government to ignore civil and constitutional rights of it's citizens. History repeats.
It would suck if so many people went to protest Orange Turd in your turf
Or bring out signs that say "F*ck Trump"
That would just be soooo sad 🤷♀️🚨
All that talking and enjoying all the privileges must be that exhausting, you have to understand that there's not much energy for any true action left.
"Big swings"? Wtf does that mean?
Where is your plan to revamp the dems?
Oh, you want them to change for YOU exactly how you want? And you do nothing?
I stand by my statement.
A true constitional crisis isn't likely to be solved by politicians in minority parties.
They need to be hosting testimony in congress from whistleblowers about the illegality of the actions.
They need to be holding maximum town halls in gop districts
They need to read prj 2025 and planning moves.
Do you want them shooting republicans in Congress ?
The party isn't taking Trump to court, activist groups are. We need the Dems to legally fight to protect their constitutional powers, not just shrug that they are not in charge.
They need to be writing project 2026, and project 2029.
They need to be energizing the angry base. We'll do the protesting in the streets, they need to protest in gov.
Which was in effect a vote for Trump
But we know that 9 million previous Biden voters didn't vote this time.
I hope the Dems have learned their sexism and racism lesson.
It will be another 8 years before you washout enough boomers to run AOC
The reason WHY you all are THERE is in the data. Period point blank
Don't trust this poll for all you know it's one from Twitter.
1. Congressmen and women are not allowed to take legal action against the Executive Branch. Attempt could end up in expulsion/impeachment by GOP.
Instead of criticizing, contact Dems to ask questions about your concerns.
Then we won't have to outlaw lobbyists or stocks because neither will exist in the first place.
" A government of the People, by the people and for the people."
We voted them out.
This is why elections are important.
Dems are reevaluating their pro Israel stance and the media owners don’t like that
Its time to form a new progressive party.
Fish or cut bait!
Lead, follow, or get out of the way because we are gonna run your scaredy-cat lazy asses over!
Our lives depend on
1. Not doing anything
2. Pools are rigged, media is rigged
What are you doing.
Please be Specific
Replace Schumer and watch our polling numbers jump 50 percentage points.
If I’m wrong, bring him back.
We need a change.
Hard to prepare for a fight when huge parts of america won't support you.
And im not sure the left is coming back to the table with anything that could win.
Most dems have realized we’ve been sold out and dems have been HELPING!
It's a steategy that failed.
Look, we had obama for two terms and we were FINALLY talking about some issues in 2016. Univeral healthcare was discussed more than I've ever seen it on a national stage. Getting close.
And the left whines about hillary and kamala nonstop and now lost DECADES.
The left complains about both Hilary and Kamala because they aren't left. Simple as that.
It took an obama to even have the dems let bernie be on primary ballots.
And now the left lost it because they wanted it all right now.
The overton window has had and will continue to have massive right shifts for at least 2 years.
Seems very obama-ish? I was quite young, and it was a while ago, so i may be mistaken.
I'm not saying you're wrong. I'm just curious. I went to wiki and I dont see a huge difference, but it's light on details.
I mean, I guess that it was in the platform, but not a focus... is something. I think it was in obama's platform, too.
At best our Democrats are what moderate Republicans were 30 years ago. At BEST.
You want to get voters out for you? BE DIFFERENT.
Actually go fucking LEFT and take care of people.
If y'all don't fix it, the public will have to and that means guillotines
List of moderate republicans from 30 years ago that fit.
No oen will follow a total absolute idiot.
It's like you're trying to yell between passing railroad cars ffs
pull yourself together
Why don't you pull yourself together and LEARN SOME BASIC POLITICAL HISTORY.
I guarantee your ignorance is a far greater problem than my capitalization.
It's like you live on tik toc and have a 5th grade education.
I don't think voting for the budget was much of
a choice.
Would a shutdown have hurt people? Yes.
Will the budget hurt people? Yes.
Which more? Hard to say.
I think trump would have taken a big hit.
Schumer came into office with 128k in wealth.
Today he sits on 80 million. 20 million made in the last 2 years.
A LOT of people have enriched themselves and sold us out!
Swampy Chuck is a good guy who accidentally ended up with 80 million dollars? Turns out they both made money in real estate! 😂
Back room auctions? Sure pal!
Funny how tha majority of his life all he can accumulate is 186k but after arriving in Washington he “earns” 79.9 million.
You’re gullible; I’m not.
Replace Schumer and watch our polling numbers jump 50 percentage points.
If I’m wrong, bring him back.
We need a change.
...yet Dems have won nearly every state and federal election in 2025 since DonOld, the Felon-In Chief has been occupying the White House.
#ResistanceRising #UnitedWeRiseDividedWeFall
That’s right - we’re all waiting for YOUR #MOMENT
MAKE history. Don’t watch it.
Baseball bats, rocket launchers, sniper rifles, mini-guns & drones are legal to be purchased, owned and used in the US by individuals of any sex, race, color or political bias.
Get TF on with it!
We must follow what Schumer and the majority of media outlets suggest. We must moderate and reach further right to completely capitulate to the Nazis.
Only by doing this will their supporters realize the error of their ways and choose Dems.
Pffffffft!🙄 has to postpone his book tour because the people who want to show up are pissed.
The people are looking for leadership in a fight, not someone who cedes power to a dictator.
DEMOCRACY!! 🇺🇸🦅🕊️💔💯
Schumer was a big disappointment, but that was just 10 dems.
Beyond that.. the other avenues aren't really politican led. Insurrection is the role of a general, not congressperson, if someone wants that.
The clock is ticking ….. DO SOMETHING before it’s too late.
With him in charge all the Democrat Party will do is roll over.
He has to go.
1/6 of the Serbian Population were on the street last night!
1/6 would be 66,000,000 in America!
1.5 Million 🇺🇸 attended the Superbowl Party. At that very instant in time - Elon Musk robbed the Treasury w only 40 Protestors Outside!
66,000,000 : 1,500,000 : 40