A key prompt for this project is this stretch of 6th still has mixing zones, and some safety issues as a result.
Additionally there are 3 vehicle lanes north and south of this stretch - DOT wants to make that consistent while continuing to make space for higher demand for cycling
Additionally there are 3 vehicle lanes north and south of this stretch - DOT wants to make that consistent while continuing to make space for higher demand for cycling
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The cement pedestrian island placement will stay - bike lane grows to 10' and parking lane shifts out.
From 31st to 35th only change is east curb side use - but lots of comments on the bike lane pinch point here.
Discussion of signal timing called for DOT to add green wave (they want to eval 3rd ave "pilot" still)
(my question - why didn't it happen last year then?)
cc: @nyc.streetsblog.org @charlietodd.com @jfro.im
I really enjoy 10th (and even a few blocks of 9th Ave that have this treatment) which I ride regularly.