Trump has overstepped his authority and has given aid and comfort to the enemy, Putin. Can you imagine what the republicans would do to a democratic ‘president’ who did the same?
Thank you, Sir! Then again, what can anyone expect from a person who managed to somehow lose up to 1/2 of their $1Billion inheritance, and have to apply for Bankruptcy 6 times in the process?! (EYEROLL)
Trickle-down economics failed. Investing in workers & communities fuels sustainable growth. Fair wages boost productivity & consumer spending. How can businesses lead on #EquitableGrowth? What steps are you taking?
And someone who doesn’t know how to run a business… for F sake, how does a casino file bankruptcy!!! It’s literally designed for the “house edge” to maintain a 1%-10% across the various games… how do you screw even that up!!!
JOIN THE PROTEST SATURDAY, APRIL 5. Click the link and find a protest near you or organize one.
#DumpTrump ?
- Donald Trump
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