steady her aim, or perhaps to get her hands to stop shaking. it seems to work for a moment, at least.
finger moves to the trigger after aiming at the beast, before pulling it and firing. despite her slight flinching, the bullet hits sundrinker for eighteen damage. [ AC 22; 23. 4+9+2+3 ]
finger moves to the trigger after aiming at the beast, before pulling it and firing. despite her slight flinching, the bullet hits sundrinker for eighteen damage. [ AC 22; 23. 4+9+2+3 ]
Udo and Lazarus do a fine job of drawing the dragon's ire, but there's a fair chance this angers Sundrinker enough to target Ellia.
Their spell leaves their hand; threading the needle to ensure it doesn't strike the massive dragon he battles is a feat in itself; when Heal strikes Lazarus's chest, an overwhelming golden glow joins
[Heal (Augmented, +2 HP per spell level): 162 HP]
The air around it boiled, chest expanding with a burning vengeance,
On some level, Sundrinker knew that it would have to burn its mythic fire to give itself a chance. It saw Lazarus