-The Web Planet, Frontier in Space, Revenge of the Cybermen: all very enjoyable.
-Narratively, the 4th Doctor should have regenerated at the end of The Armageddon Factor.
-Enlightenment is only very good, not a classic.
-Narratively, the 4th Doctor should have regenerated at the end of The Armageddon Factor.
-Enlightenment is only very good, not a classic.
-JNT should have bowed out with Davison, and his incoming successor should've planned S22.
-The War Doctor was a mistake, it should've been McGann in Day of the Doctor (but John Hurt was sensational)
-Bi-regeneration is a terrible concept.
- The Church on Ruby Road was v. weak.
-Space Babies was a bafflingly substandard launch to NG's era.
-The War Games completely justifies its 10 episode duration, a masterpiece in escalation and expansion, with abundant lovely character work.
-The Time Monster is silly but fun, never less than watchable.