My gawd some people are so politically uneducated, my roommate was just at Shoppers and the girl at cash thinks that PMJT is going to cut her social benefits, I advised my roommate to tell her that it is Poilievres plan ffs, CONS destroy social programs, that has always been their plan.
End result: no benefits, twice the expense
One is a Trumper, too. His views on women are something!😬
Went to a French x-mas party and a separatist voting mother in her 50's was defending Poilievre and Trump on tariffs. They hate PMJT and don't understand facts.
We're fucked.
But also this is why “do good things and expect Canadians to recognize them” is a bad plan!
It’s been a dismal failure.
PP's lies work. The three word slogans are continuously hammered into people's heads with zero push back unless you're here on BlueSky or old Twitter.
Who will these civics-deprived folks blame them? The emperor w/ no clothes?
They're incapable of it.
Partisan interests will come before the country, every time.
They can't help themselves. They're all wrapped up in the Ottawa bubble and cannot see what's coming. It's politics as usual. what's your take?
Starting with levels of government & their responsiblities
Back to civics basics
Saved from BC election
I'm more than happy to have a friendly conversation with these folks.
As well as being heavily funded by Anti women’s health groups