If we are going to fight. We need to fight. No I’m not talking violence. I’m talking about the fact that we pander to the most ignorant bloviating idiots in American history.
We write letters. We post postcards.
It’s going to take more than this.
We need people to stand up for democracy.
We write letters. We post postcards.
It’s going to take more than this.
We need people to stand up for democracy.
How do we convince? How do we reveal the truth?
people like Timothy Schneider, Marc Elias, Laurence Tribe to name a few…while trying to ignore the doomsayers.
Trash all legacy media. Break em take their power away. Stop tweeting stop retreating news stories. Block any journalists and report those that allowed trump to lie with impunity.
It will be some guys in pickups, killing children at school bus stops because their parents voted the wrong way.
Protests in the Real Street
Sit Ins Boycotts
Demand JUSTICE. #Felon47
way through the Universe is
to UNDERSTAND your way
through it. Otherwise you're
just engaging in a fist fight
against a cactus without gloves.
It is highly illogical to grant "the Consent of the Gov'd" (DoI) to subversives
as such
They Amended our Const 1st w the phrase: "Peaceably Assemble & Petition the gov for Redress" as a logical Reminder to the 1st Step in our "Well Regulated" Defense of Our "Free State"