What did they expect? When they become associated with loons and hate filled judgementalists.
Christians destroyed the churches. No one else.
Christians destroyed the churches. No one else.
Sin is so subjective.
Fascists use Christians. Hitler did.
Never would I ever make room in my life or being for any form of religion again.
I call myself a survivor but can easily be triggered.
Next generation gets it
America was actually an inspiration to Nazi Germany.
Maybe if ya'll were like, doing ANYTHING that your book says we'd be a li'l more interested...
Which is why I go to the gym on Sunday mornings to work out. Gym is a great substitute for church.
I thought the thinking on women and the LGBTQ community would gradually improve, but I was wrong.
Those who honestly tried to live that faith have always been prey for the ambitious and greedy who are drawn to that structure by their lust
Waking up.
There are so many ways to fuck things up and I think they have managed to deep dive every single one
I've seen it happen before and it will happen again.
It's a predictable thing anymore.
We have faith but left the church. I think many have strayed from Jesus' teaching.
I also take the bible as a guide, but not the inerrant word of God. It's just all we have. No doubt much meaning has been lost in translation and cultural differences.
Chapter after chapter, he said, "The Bible only has a few snippets of truths and direct quotes. Most are fake stories written centuries later by Rulers to control their peasants."
Original Fake News
Did He intend to clearly communicate with people across continents and centuries but He failed?! Or did He intend the confusion and conflict His ‘revelations’ have caused?!
Neither makes sense.
Prosperity preaching.
All about greed and not the teaching. I left because I don't need a church telling how to vote.
I chose wisely.
I’m an atheist.
“tough love”. I will never step foot in a church again. Judgemental, Hateful, sanctimonious. Was taken to Billy Graham Crusade Revivals every year. Bigots, racist, hypocrites and cruelty. Fuck em. Tax em.
Of the poor.
I call myself a survivor of the Christianity religion. In the last 30+ years, any form of organized hypocritical hate triggers me regardless of setting.
They are reaping what they so zealously sowed.
What will you be yelling?
Then they used his name. Placed it in the Merchant's hands, and they robbed us for centuries.
(but I don't hate or disrespect them. I have great respect for the Jesuit order.)