MAGA are outraged about something that wasn’t in the Bill, whilst ignoring that $880,000,000,000 from Medicaid has just been taken from the taxpayer to give to the ultra wealthy. Along with $2,000,000,000,000 extra for further wealthy tax cuts.
That MAGA and you will pay for.
That MAGA and you will pay for.
71% of Trump backers oppose,
Medicaid cuts the GOP proposed.
A policy Fox News didn’t tell them about?
They fucked around and now find out.
These people are absolutely pathetic. Imagine if we'd elected Harris as is still in question really, because has anyone given exact reasons why some 5 million votes were thrown out?
These guys in office now, and the unelected shithead, are hellbent on destroying this country. Right now we are the USA in name only.
They are gleeful to take pain as long as the people they don’t like hurt too
Kinda messed up, right? 🐾🐾