i really havent seen that much negative stuff tbh, mostly its on twitter but on youtube everyone seems fine so idk what this person is on about, also saying most of emiles fans are rabid and toxic is a massive reach, sure some but thats with every fanbase
It was always going to be that bad on YT. It was bad enough before when your only “crime” was “winning too much”. Now people feel validated/justified in their hatred as is oft the case with those caught up in controversy.
Too right. All one can do in this case is to hold to your beliefs and listen only to the voices that do matter, those of your friends and the constructively critical. Those will be what carry you forward. Everything else is noise. Tune or block it out, the only way the noise wins is if you let them.
There's some people under the impression you dropped him completely when it seems like you understandably took some public distance when it all went down. Based on one of Tim's posts it sounds like, to me at least, Emile asked people to distance himself from him so as to not catch fallout.
It’s a comprehension problem. To a chunk of Emile’s fans, distancing, even when it was stated to be professional and not personal, is the same as abandonment. “He wasn’t actively there with Emile through it all like Tim was” is how they’d frame it, especially if they’re using it as an excuse to hate
And though Tim said it was Emile who said that people should distance themselves from him, people only see what they want to see. They see Tim who stuck with Emile despite Emile’s own words and compare him to everyone who followed what Emile said. By comparison, Tim’s a “real one”, a “true friend”.
This all disregarding that a lot of Emile’s fans don’t follow what Emile says whether they see what he says or not. Look at how many of them have gone on to harass Masae or Emily (regardless of how much I believe the latter deserves it) expressly against Emile’s written wishes time and again.
Fair. I personally believe in getting what’s coming, and while she was right to feel as she did, the way she acted on them, including stirring a pot she wasn’t even involved in (Masae’s), and subsequent crying “woe is me” in a reddit echo chamber when she got called out, she gets no sympathy from me
Look at how many people despite his full statement saying that he did wrong and hurt people have told Emile “No, my king, you did nothing wrong, you are faultless. Don’t blame yourself.”
I’m not saying the fault entirely lies on Emile’s side, there are those on Jon’s expressing similar problems, and in both cases, people, especially unreasonable ones who aren’t worth the time of day, will believe what they want and look for any means of justification.
If that's the case then I feel really bad for the catch 22 you're stuck in. As someone who knows nothing actually meaningful, but has been with TRG since Day 1, I just want to say I see the tightrope you've had to walk and I applaud you for your efforts. Here's to hopefully a bright future.
Yeah, "How dare Jon do the thing Emile asked him to do!" (potentially), sounds like a living nightmare. Do what you got to do to take care of yourself.
Anyway! On a brighter note, I'm excited for this supposedly legendary LP you've teased. Time can heal wounds, but laughter is a fantastic medicine!
Anyway! On a brighter note, I'm excited for this supposedly legendary LP you've teased. Time can heal wounds, but laughter is a fantastic medicine!