I enjoyed how Zelenskyy told Vance to come to Ukraine and see the war. Vance didn’t know what to say so he escalated his verbal abuse. I grew up with a bully for an other brother and that is exactly how he acted towards me - explode when cornered. These abhorrent humans are weak and can be beat.
He does that job for nothing..they've tried to impeach him lawfare him bankrupt him embarrass him called him a Russian asset and even tried to kill him...TWICE....I think you're wrong he loves your country deeply
Fuck these temporary blackout. Do not buy from Amazon ever again. It's difficult to not buy from Walmart is some parts of the country, so just reduce as much spending as possible. The bleeding of the oligarchs will be a long process and will take more than a few days
This is the definition of irony. A war hero standing brave in the midst of being brutally attacked getting scolded by a cowardly draft dodger. I can only imagine what a man with the character of Zelensky must think about the people of the U.S. voting for Trump.
... If Kamala was President we would be Partnering with our Allies and finishing off Putin while Russia is weakened from the war ... OLD Poopypants just wants to HELP his Lover Putin ..
Anyone who sides with Trump is a disgusting human. The way he treated an ally is disgraceful and very Un-American. It has long been known that Trump is owned by Russia and he will do anything to make them happy.
The Italians should know, they had far more time & experience with a narcissistic, psychopath dictator Mussolini than the Germans had with Hitler. Trump psychologically has much more in common with Mussolini
This whole thing is going to shake out fine I think. Yesterday's events have shown Europe that they need to work together to help Ukraine and to stand up to the rogue nation that is USA
Russian Kremlin reporters were in the room!!!! But they won't let the AP in. Does everyone see what's happening? We'll have Russian governors and those ridiculous circus buildings in no time.
Media Should be Screaming about this But...White House removed TASS as Soon as the Discovered the Error... ROFLMAO. Putin Scripted this. Review Trump's and Vance's Words.... Repeating GRU Propaganda phrases.
The only person that matters to Trump is Trump.
We don’t know what his personal feelings are and frankly that’s none of our business, as long as he does his job.
My bad.
USA/Russia the new axis of evil
I sometimes think these people have no internal world