I thought besides mimic tear people generally thought Tiche was the best Spirit Ash. Although the process to get Dung Eater as a summon is more out of the way so maybe that's part of why fewer people considers him.
I'd say there's a couple that are even better, but they're gated by some pretty frustrating fights (some of which you can't summon a spirit ash to help you out with).
"The loathsome Dung Eater" became a meme line when the trailers dropped. The Dung Eater is a major supporting character and he actually is loathsome. He's a rapist serial killer with "countless" victims, obsessed with maximising suffering, and provides an ending path which does precisely that
But there's another rapist in the setting, Preceptor Seluvis, who is present at the court of a major questgiver because she tolerates him for pragmatic reasons. Seluvis gives you a potion which he wants you to give to an NPC who probably helped you as a summon in your first major boss fight
Seluvis' potion turns bodies into puppets which Seluvis can control. The process is reversible, but I'm not aware of any cases where it has been reversed. It's not-at-all-subtly implied/near-explicitly stated that he's raping at least a few of the puppets
Back to the Dung Eater: you meet him in the Roundtable Hold, but his physical body isn't actually there — he's Invading, i.e., he's canonically using what is, mechanically, the game's spontaneous PvP matchmaking system to kind of teleconference into the Hold, as it were
His body is in full-body restraints in a secure cell below Leyndell and if you have the right item on you when you approach him he'll order you to go get it. If you play your cards right you can end up giving him Seluvis' potion instead
By the point where this can happen, Seluvis himself has already been disposed of by his employer, who knew what he was, no longer needed him, and gave him a taste of his own medicine. As such, when you give the Dung Eater Seluvis' potion, control of him falls to you