Believe me she will twist herself into a pretzel trying to explain it. She will swear he misspoke. All his press secretary had to clean up in aisle thirteen.
Here’s how they will spin it. “What the president meant was that Democrats and George Soros rigged the 2020 election which allowed him to run again in 2024. And he won in a landslide, by the way.”
Yes he says its a good thing they rigged the election in 20 because it aloud him to win in 24. Honestly I don't know why we are analyzing his talk, he talks nonsense.
Why does his fan base have to "reinterpret" the meaning of his words all the time? This isn't the bible, you can't just keep "reinterpreting" the meaning. We haven't had the need to do that for any other president.
I agree he said what he said. But he did not say that his team rigged the election. I am not trying to reinterpret anything. He doesn't speak well, his meaning is not always clear but the clip you present argues against your case. He says "they" rigged it. He means the democrats, he's talking 2020
It's a fact that he became president. It is a fact that he ran on the 2 issues which voters identified as the most important. It's a fact that the democrat candidate was removed due to mental problems its a fact that the replacement candidate only did soft ball interviews. Don't be Giuliani.
Doesn't really matter either way. The electoral college voted and he was sworn in. He could flat out say the 2024 election was stolen and explain how and the only way to remove him would be a revolution (since Congress refused to do its job)
They will always find a way to defend him no matter what he does. They will regret their decision to cover for him. They think he’s a great president. He isn’t presidential material.
The clip of Trump saying the election is stolen is a RED HERRING! It is to get blue off his back of REAL issues. This entire spiel is about the 2020 election. The clip is cut down to make it seem like he is talking about 2024. IGNORE THIS BULLSHIT.
I know how much soccer fans love their sport. But now is the time to stay home and watch it on TV. I hope no one comes to this country for the world cup.
Crap just saw the link above to copy to share it! Got it done anyway!
(Note: I was immediately shadow banned on X after posting this link - Elon won't allow it)
Interview with Mark Thompson:
American elections affect the entire world. These demented criminals MUST NOT take over the planet.
✌️from Canada.
Please share and pass on.
He said what he said.
wholly shit
They will say we are all crazy and we didn't hear what we heard!?!?
Crap just saw the link above to copy to share it! Got it done anyway!
Since Qatar
Fifa is just a money laundering enterprise
And I don't give a flying fuck about thebwirkd cup..
I've not seen a game since 2014 after the Worldcup
Simply search "Trump meeting with FIFA President" for multiple sources.