an occult education thread - 🧵 1/?
let's discuss Austin Osman Spare - one of my favorite occult thinkers, despite (or perhaps because of) his complexity. he's the occultist who told the entire magical establishment to go fuck itself, then created one of the most influential magical systems […]
let's discuss Austin Osman Spare - one of my favorite occult thinkers, despite (or perhaps because of) his complexity. he's the occultist who told the entire magical establishment to go fuck itself, then created one of the most influential magical systems […]
let's get our hands dirty with sigil magic. this isn't about drawing pretty symbols - it's about hacking your consciousness to reshape reality.
your statement of intent matters. write it in present tense, be specific but not restrictive […]
Spare's influence on modern occultism, or how a broke artist with cats changed magical practice forever
remember how punk changed music by showing anyone could do it? same with photoshop and smart phones?
Spare did that to magic. his "fuck your golden dawn […]
common pitfalls
let's wade into darker waters, the places where Spare's students often drown in their own reflection. these aren't just mistakes; they're seductive dead ends that feel like progress.
intellectualization is a comfortable poison. it's easy to […]
let's talk about Spare's approach to servitors and familiars, where chaos meets consciousness in the form of thought-born allies.
Spare didn't view spirits as external entities to be summoned and bound. instead, he saw them as splinters of consciousness given […]
Spare's Zos Kia Cultus - where flesh meets infinity and consciousness dissolves into pure potential.
let's wade into deeper waters. this isn't just another magical framework or philosophical system. it's a radical reimagining of what consciousness is, what […]