To this day, people who can imitate the feel/look of paintbrush on canvas digitally, make me fear them. In a good sense.
Just the sheer dedication to do something so wonderfully clean, making it seemless, like it was done on canvas n then scanned... Fascinating. Keep it up, Sammy c:
Gwah thank youu!!! A lot of it is just figuring out how oil painters think about their brushestrokes and colours and working in as many subtle textures as possible ouo
You've done a fantastic job at learning all the tiny details, like, I genuinely really rarely see people who put this much effort in micro-detailing to make it look like traditional art. It's really cool to see such being done! c:
Just the sheer dedication to do something so wonderfully clean, making it seemless, like it was done on canvas n then scanned... Fascinating. Keep it up, Sammy c: