Mass national protest. Mass national strikes. Cripple all logistics and commerce by striking. Then they'll listen. Or they try to crush us, and the world will see the American working class and it allies rise up *yet again* and crush fascism. Boots on their fucking throats and do not let up.
Reposted from
Michael Ian Black
“Maybe the Democrats think they’re giving him enough rope to hang himself. Bullshit. They’re giving him enough rope to tie the nation to train tracks so he can run us right the fuck over.”
Giving them time to “see how it all shakes out” will be too late.
People - spread the word.
Death is inevitable. If you want to lick boots, stay home.
If we go in expecting violence, rather than a peaceful protest, things won't go down the way they want.
It's no longer the time for high roads or "just vote!"