There is such a huge liability exposure potential, no airline would engage in a conscious pattern of hiring unqualified pilots, or persons in other positions of significant responsibility.
Appreciate that post but it's too little too late. In the future White people will need to shut that shit down at the beginning so that it didn't gain traction in their communities. The plan is to convert more people to be racist/misogynist.
"I really don't give a shit. I just want someone to make this fukkin pain go away and it can be a purple baboon from the planet Andalusia for all I care. People really pull this shit?"
First blood draw was done by a pleasant young lady from Ghana, I think. Then I had a Latino Dr. and a Female Dr. And ya know what else....I was in and out there in ~2hrs because I'm an adult and know to let trained professionals do their job.
"What the hell does that mean?"
"You know, is there anyone you don't want seeing you."
"Y'all take the same tests to get licensed, right?"
"Yes, they really do."