I don’t recall people saying it’s bad, more so that it’s unbelievably hard to pilot
Also, to play with a tent, you need to adapt your play style and soooooo many people do not want to do that AT ALL, which makes the weapon seem even more rare since no one wants to play with one and rare are the…
people who want to willingly endure the horrendous counter comps the enemy team brings game 2 - the amount of people who alter their comp to include a wellstring, a 52, a blaster or a splatana is something to behold
Yes it’s still winnable, but I’m not going to lie and say it’s a pleasant experience
Bubble is annoying for tent but even then I don't think its that bad. Besides well tent is an option which should work and sounds toxic as all hell
It'd also just nuke bubble
I have high respect for folks who cook with Tent & would love to play with folks who play it.
Also, to play with a tent, you need to adapt your play style and soooooo many people do not want to do that AT ALL, which makes the weapon seem even more rare since no one wants to play with one and rare are the…
Yes it’s still winnable, but I’m not going to lie and say it’s a pleasant experience