There was (some years ago at least) a way to use different contests, and more important, to use it from N1MM+ itself
I don't know if those options are still running... you might do a bit of browsing...
yes I have tried it integrated with n1mm but it doesn't follow the n1mm custom keys - this looks good though (thanks Martin) and I'll play when I get time
Having listened to the topic of contesting at the local club this week, I thought I would give "Morse Runner" a go see if I can get my ability to copy callsigns up.
I also use Rufzxp. It sends a callsign. Get it right and the speed goes up 1wpm. Get it wrong and the speed goes down 1wpm. Gets quite challenging as the speed of the callsigns goes up!
If findit pretty useless for training. It's just a speedtest to see how fast you can copy. The speeds in Morserunner vary around your set speed and it's more realistic to actual contesting.
RUFZXP is really good when starting out due to its speeding up and slowing down with your ability. It does, however, get a bit boring after a while! This is reminding me of G3LDI’s legendary Morse classes!
I don't know if those options are still running... you might do a bit of browsing...