Of course. All moderate media knows how to do is give endless amounts of fuel to narcissists who want to watch the world burn and then stand back and go “boy, that’s a really bad fire.”
I've realized that the only 2 reasons so many Republicans announced a run for President this year are (1) just in case DJT actually faces the music for once, and the bigger (2) to yank as much money as possible in "political contributions" from their supporters before fading to the background again.
Yes, well, they are always trying to fill their pockets.😂😂😂 But if you look back in the past. There have been a lot more candidates running than there are this year. It's just, we don't hear about a lot of them because they never make it. Check out this article. https://ballotpedia.org/List_of_registered_2020_presidential_candidates
He knows grifting is easy work and the magats will keep donating to feel good about themselves while bitching about Biden because they can’t afford carton of eggs.
This man's manipulative abilities are dangerous. He is a felon and has no business running for office. I don't know why we haven't looked at these ass backwards laws. He can't vote, but he can run for office.
He should have never gotten out. He conned the judge and told him how he regretted every moment of what he did and how it was so wrong and had them feeling sorry for him. As soon as he got out, he brought his ass on Twitter and started hawking that same stolen election bullshit.
What is USA coming to.SMH.