AND same people are forcing their daughters to carry the rapist's fetus to term - cursing their own grandchild to the origin story - your father was a violent rapist & your mother gave you up because you were a product of rape & not of love. Several levels of evil.
I voted for him to repair the damage you and the other a$$holes let Biden do to this country. (IDIOTS showing their stupidity is really stepping up. Thinking we will give up. NO, we will NOT)
Russian Assets use the American constitution as toilet paper. And how DARE you attack Dear Leader! He can rape, steal from and lie to whomever he wants. He is man above all men guilty of no crime ever. If he wanted to rape my wife or steal from my grandmother - I would be honored to be chosen.
Imagine the realisation you’re married to a sexual predator whilst cameras view every look on your face.
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