I don't think so. "normal" Trumpism- yes. But if that were the case- he would already be gone. And we hear that Trump hates him all the time, yet immediately he is handed more power. Elon OWNS Trump. Trump has no option to get rid of him. Theil has his hand up Vance. Elon had his up Trump.
I hope you're right. But he'll have inflicted serious and permanent damage, he has already. Reports are that his tech bros were inserting code into Treasury's program as soon as they could get in. Impossible to unbreak the egg.
With all our tax-related bank account and SSN info? Was my identity just stolen? I’m trying to understand what the implications are of the treasury access he and those programmers have right now and what I should do about it.
I'm waiting (sadly) for him to have so much control that even if T fires him, that it won't matter because he's already gotten control. Do we really think the govt. will be able to remove all his access and control. He will just backdoor it. I'm worried it's too late. And that scares me.
The way to bring down Brutus after killing Caesar was to plant mistrust in his mind against the other conspirators. Splinter from within and the house will fall.