ANIMAL FARM (1954) A fairly faithful if simplified adaptation. Right up until the last scene, in a creative choice that is baffling. Or maybe I’ve been reading ANIMAL FARM wrong all these years. DON’T WORRY DARLING (2022) - A good, creepy take on Stepford Wives, TRUMAN SHOW etc for the age of Incels and Tradwives. Not sure about Harry Styles tho YES MAN (2008) Entirely predictable adherence to the Romcom formula. Funny because Jim Carrey is a funny man. Zooey Deschanel refining her Manic Pixie Dream Girl persona. Early Bradley Cooper in the ‘best friend’ role. NEFARIOUS (2023) - The Catholic Christian ideology felt heavy-handed to me but I’m sure that’s also true of a lot of films with ideologies I am more sympathetic to. The acting was great, I thought.