Goliath did die and the underdog won. With Canada pissed off up north and Mexico pissed off down south, we are fighting a trade war on 2 fronts. I vaguely remember from history class…Napoleon lost by fighting on 2 fronts, Hitler lost by fighting on 2 fronts…just saying…
“Had Canada been treating us fairly”. What part of Canada was grafting the US exactly in accordance with the deal Trump negotiated don’t these morons understand lol
Some of them care more about bad guy rule breakers than having govt actually do good things and help folks. Wait til it costs 30% more to buy a car or use electricity.
Good they’re such whiney little bitches with their “treating us fairly” schtick. The United States is literally the most powerful nation on Earth (for now) - everything is fair.
Goliath didn't even have access to a parable about a small guy killing a much bigger guy in spite the odds.