GOOD NEWS: Millions of retired teachers, firefighters, police officers, and others will soon see an increase in their monthly Social Security payments.
This is all thanks to the Social Security Fairness Act – a law I helped pass last year!
This is all thanks to the Social Security Fairness Act – a law I helped pass last year!
Particularly because Dumpty will lay claim to it soon.
I mean, Franking, it costs you fucking nothing ?????
We need an audit/investigation into the 2024 election. (Election Truth Alliance) has been analyzing the data and found multiple extreme instances of "anomalies": evidence Republicans rigged the election in favor of Trump. #VerifyTheVote
Anybody will be lucky to get their payments then. Getting signed up for benefits or getting help with problems or questions will be non-existent.
Why? All vote by mail expired in 2024 & voters must be re-enrolled.
Do it now
Nero fiddles while Rome burns?