Aww so cute! HI Brooke, I have a cat called Gigi Mama who looks very much like this cat, but she's very shy. She's in front, her sister is in the back LOL
ooh, can you tell me about that mat if you don't mind; it's not that I want to encourage our two gorgeous monsters to crawl under rugs any more than they already do but maybe as a treat...
Hhaha!!! Mine are all rescues from the local no-kill shelters. I have 4 actually. Here's the two boys. Big Baby the back one and Pickle Bill the tiger. They're nuts those two
One of my kittens took on the task of emotional support cat. The other kitten was very fearful, and Diana would lead Byakko to the food bowl and the litter box so she'd feel safe .
Aw I love your cat's cat! My profile pic is my kitten's kitten, since our old man cat (unbeknownst to us until it was too late) despises other cats. And that's how we came to have 3 cats. Oops.