The big, strong dragon hero of a franchise inconveniently shrinking back down to his diaper-toting little mascot form mid-fight with the big bad villain, a dark copy of himself.
The dragon villain chuckling deeply as he lifts the quivering dragon up by his diaper.
When *POOF*
The dragon villain chuckling deeply as he lifts the quivering dragon up by his diaper.
When *POOF*
“H-HUH?! I-I'm not supposed to have this insolent little form! Th-that's only for the weakling hero who can't maintain his power!” He squeals, only to squat down and fill his seat with mush.
Too bad it ran out rather quickly against his evil counterpart...
Luckily, it looks like all of that time as a big, evil dragon caught up to his opponent!