Oligarchs that think it is their prerogative to give us what they feel we deserve. They don’t care about the sick the poor the everyday workers. They go to Bohemian Grove, Davos, and plan their world order while pissing on Redwood trees and slurping down caviar and Croizet Cognac.
I might add; where are all MAGA devotees that had all the snarky remarks about Pete Buttigieg?
A guy that did nothing but his job.
He should be President and would be if it wasn’t for homophobia in this country.
A healthy circular flow of govt structure is for government to be accountable to people, people accountable to employers, and employers accountable to the government.
Instead, government is also accountable to employers only. The result is this crunch on working people. There is no counterbalance.
Yeah but honestly I’m not convinced that the right wing voters actually want to help working class (even though that’s them largely). They just want to ‘own the libs’. Let’s try not to romanticise right wing ideology anymore.
Exactly…so brainwashed are the MAGA working and middle classes that they’ll happily cut off of their noses to spite their faces as long as it pisses off their ideological “enemies.” Idiocracy is upon us…full stop.
Even if they somehow got to a point where the republicans did destroy them personally, they’d just blame Biden or Pelosi for not stopping them or something
Perhaps if they didn't sell bibles on the side or pretend to follow Jesus it would make it more palatable but the hypocrisy at this level almost has me gagging and I have a strong stomach for BS.
A guy that did nothing but his job.
He should be President and would be if it wasn’t for homophobia in this country.
Abd you should spend as little as possible to get as good as possible of a tool.
Instead, government is also accountable to employers only. The result is this crunch on working people. There is no counterbalance.