It’s like in the first term when he used the tariff money to bailout the soy farmers that had been fucked by the counter tarrifs in china… what an imbecile
Stupidest shit ever, You wont make a cent off tariffs because anything you make will have to be used to subsidize the loss. Fuck these people are about as smart as a box of rocks
And Shady JD Vance is right there waiting with his AcreTrader app, waiting for these American farms to fail so he can help foreign investors buy them up for pennies on the dollar. Disgusting traitors....JD and his Robber Baron handlers.
I think Dems should stop accusing Republicans of lying and just say they're stupid. If they say something false, say they're stupid and incompetent. What are they going to say in defense? That they're not stupid, they're just lying?
Start trade war. Kill economy. Bailout my voters.