All true, but remember when the Democrats had the house in the Senate under Obama, what did Pelosi do? She talked about how much she wanted to compromise on a hot mic… fuck a third-party, we need to just start over
When the shit happens, I wonder what's going to happen to these fuckers? A lot of the creators will try to get jobs at Fox or some other outlet but only if they're useful. A lot of their viewers will lose everything and they won't be there to help
Recessions and depressions only ever help those at the top, sure they lose some money, but the massive difference in wealth allows them to buy up whole sectors of the economy.
It’s almost eerie that we’re coming up on the hundredth anniversary of the huge stock market crash, and the Great Depression. We have levels of income inequality that are even greater than they were back then. Those who forget history are doomed to repeat it.
Or maybe if we are lucky a head rolling 1789 french kinda party. French do know how to party. 🥳