American rights are not real. This is the new reality, we all are subservient to corporate and capitalist rule, which demands the blood of Palestinians in Gaza and to oppress those who protest it.
May our country collapse fast for the sake of humanity
But not freedom from consequences from that hate speech. That's what theyre after when they go on about free speech. They already know they have the freedom to say those things. They want the associated consequences to vanish.
We need serious lawmakers to find a way to combat stochastic terrorism without invalidating the 1st amendment. Its possible, but would require people actually interested in a solution.
Coordinated media campaigns be treated as co-conspirators, accomplices to terrorism against the people they demonize. Coded language is no excuse. If your podcast about the Great Replacement Theory is linked to a mass shooter, you go to prison. You knew what could happen and didn't care.
Fines won't do it. There needs to be no sense of fractional blame, dividing up all of the deaths by as many parties. Treat every single one of them like they personally talked up the terrorists they inspired.
No news station will run hate or paranoia pieces ever again.
The zionist project has been running with UK/US support since the 40's. So this isn't a new thing it has just escalated and a lot of people are just finding out about it
Indeed, I am aware.
And it was the antisemitism of Americans and Brits that took Zionists' wet dream, and made it a reality.
They thought of Israel less in terms of a Jewish Nation State, and more in terms of a convenient hole in the desert where they could just shuttle the Jewish refugees off to.
This is taken out of context and kinda "cherry-picking". Saying fu..Israel is now used to support a terroristic group. But we all know who says that: Antisemites.
MAGA's have no idea why they support Israel, other than the fact that their 'pastor' mentioned something, something about Jesus and Israel being swell during their Sunday circle-jerk.
I did a 'fuck Israel' art piece and got banned and censored left and right (no more meta for me - reddit is probably next) Wasn't even remotely violent or antisemitic. Art is subjective, snowflakes can't handle their own emotions with imagery that triggers them.
This goes for both sides honestly, I can't count how many liberals have gone out of their way to be the opposite of liberal towards Palestinians, because America isn't heavily propagandized.
i didn't even praise democrats for their shit they did last year but they didn't deport legal residents for protesting - that's actually worse than anything democrats have done
Ok what would that have looked like without American support? Billions in money and weapons and four different ceasefire vetoes. Plus brutality on college campuses and endless propaganda. Look at the manufactured consent in mainstream American media last year.
you're not picking up what i'm saying, democrats were bad concerning israel, there was no disagreement
when did they use israel as an excuse to deport residents with no due process for speaking out, because that is a *severe* escalation that you're brushing under the rug
You're right, they just tear gased them, shot "non-lethal" rounds at their heads and necks, and cracked their skulls with nightsticks all before throwing them in jail.
They turned their back on the constitution a long time ago, they only care about their rights and guns, the constitution was just a prop to distract from dead kids.
They want a genocide of Jews. Hitler wanted to get rid of Jews. So are you saying you would've backed him up too? The Palestine have killed Jews for years and are the primary aggressors. Just like this dumb Russia Ukraine war over Ukraine joining NATO. Think next time lol
So all that footage of IDF soldiers using Palestinian kids as sniper practice from years ago, just never existed to you? Israel's concentration camps? The more recent film of them pouring concrete into Palestinian farmers' water supplies, which IS a war crime? No, they're facts, you don't want 'em.
I have always wondered how the yanks think this gives them freedom of speech, there is nothing at all prohibiting individual states from imposing such laws, it is only congress that cant do it.
Yank here. Individual states can't supersede federal laws. For example, a red state can't re-impose slavery, as much as they might want to, because it is illegal on the federal level. Another: red states couldn't outlaw abortion until they packed the Supreme Court enough to overturn Roe v Wade.
Idk if it's just me but if you use these cringe memes to describe your point of view, I automatically think less of your argument because they have always been used by internet trolls. Find better memes to make your points.
in what country does the right hate israel? like, even self-professed neo-nazis like richard spencer love the israeli project. a proof-of-concept ethnostate that just happens to be a place where jewish people move to away from western countries? that's their dream!
In the sense that a good part of the right believe in a prophecy where all those Israeli Jews are going to magically turn Christian as part of the end times.
but even those extreme evangelicals are hugely fond of israel because they welcome the end times! they're mad for the rapture. sure, it's incredibly disrespectful to jewish people, but that still makes them pro-israel.
even the original nazis loved zionism! the haavara agreement was seen as a mutually beneficial step, because it helped in the nazi goal of clearing germany of jewish people.
If I ever hear one conservative mention cancel culture or free speech again it will be too soon. It's never about free speech, they don't give a shit about it. It's like all the rights they hold near and dear, when it's convenient it's all forgotten.
I don't comprehend how it isn't understood that you can be against Hamas and genocide. If you feel for the Palenstine people, yet disagree with terrorists, you are still wrong....
The reason you’re probably not getting the response that you would like from people is because Hamas was formed in resistance to Israel. Hamas would not exist in any capacity if Israel was not caging and slaughtering Palestinians, so it’s a moot point to bring up in comparison.
Actually Hamas was response to PLO and backed by Israel to divide & conquer the resistance movements and pit them against each other. Hamas was more extreme, so the perfect scapegoat for Israel to back and then make the boogeyman out of and use in their propaganda
There is a line between deporting for speech and enforcing rules against violence against Jews. And the comments here with the false equivalency and sheer racism pretending to be enlightenment could make X/Twitter blush. Amazing.
Explain to me how you can look at the situation in the West Bank right now and not come to the conclusion that Israel is a belligerent occupying terrorist state.
Thanks for the explainer. It just denies self determination to half the world’s Jews, infantalizes Palestinians as having no agency, oversimplifies a complex situation, and on. But if it makes you feel like you aren’t an anti semite, go for it. We all see you though and the world is not Bluesky
1. Israel is an apartheid state. Expressing discontent with that is not antisemitism and you can continue to cry about it.
2. Palestinians are under occupation and every aspect of their society is controlled by Israel. Let me know when the colonizers LET the Palestinians have agency.
Apartheid based on what? Border fences? What rights do women or non Muslims have in Gaza? Non Jews have full citizenship in Israel. Plus what to do with 9 million Israelis? Kill them? Put them on rafts? What does “Fuck Israel” help? No- there is no goal; robotic brainless repeat of gaslighting.
The Palestinians in the West Bank are under Israeli rule yet can't vote in Israeli elections. It's apartheid.
Does segregated roads sound right to you? How about the fact that Palestinians aren't allowed to travel? Can't leave the West Bank, can't leave Gaza, they're trapped. It's apartheid.
Yes. There’s room for good faith criticism of Israel & Palestinian rights are vital. No argument from me. Can criticize w/o delegimitizing and gaslighting Israel, intimidating Jews, calling for intifada & glorifying torture, rape & more, tho. No one glorifying Hamas cares about Palestinian rights
Who glorifies torture and rape? Israelis literally rioted for the right to rape Palestinian prisoners. Israel holds 10,000 Palestinian prisoners and tortures them daily. What rape and torture are you talking about?
The IDF pig that sodomized a Palestinian prisoner to death is currently walking free in Israel and became a minor celebrity over it. What rape and torture?
You are gaslighting. The only genocide is the other direction. Hamas wanting a Jewish genocide. If Israel wanted to wipe out Gaza, they could but would never. What should Israel do? Your solution is to ethnically cleanse Jews from the river to the sea? Is that it? Some depraved virtue signaling.
I thought this was about criticism of Israel? It is about Jews then? Finally some honesty. Point was that people here think it is totally fine to treat Jews in a way they would never treat other groups. The point is treat Jews like other groups, not singling them out for different treatment.
So they can support building a new temple in Israel, but it’s ok to terrorize Jews in the US?
Or maybe it’s not about the people, except maybe USING those people to build said temple?
Then, who cares?
It's about bringing about the apocalypse. It's not that they support the Jewish people, they believe that if the State of Israel builds a new temple on the temple mount, (and if a few other stupid things come to being) then Jasssuussssss will come back and they'll all go to heaven.
Yup. Ex-evangelical here, and that is absolutely true. The world is all sinful and corrupt, in that cult, and it culminates with Jesus coming back and letting Satan run wild for 7 years, then utterly destroying earth so a new perfect world can take its place, without all the sinners. Creepy.
they need Jews to get them to the "holy land" before the apocalypse. once we get them there, and armageddon happens, we will be sent to the fires of hell.
One of the motivations for the creation of modern Israel was the whiter European nations wanting all the Jewish people OUT and in their own segregated nation, so yeah.
And Israelis quietly support almost all right-wing paramilitary groups around the world. Including the ones with matching tattoos saying "kill all Jews"
The world is waking up to the atrocities committed by Israel. Who would have guessed zionists could be genocidial maniacs. If you look on social media they upload all their war crimes. They are very proud of their crimes against humanity.
Who says you can't criticize Israel can go fuck themselves.
Libertarian right: it’s a huge frustration that so many on the right will be anti-war everywhere but Israel, and absolutely fail to see the atrocity being committed.
Hamas aren’t good guys, but the government of Israel is arguably worse.
Free Speech is only upheld with near impunity for white men, and even then if certain folks don’t like what you’re saying it takes little effort to claim: disorderly conduct, threats or fighting words, or terrorism. So imagine being anything but a white male, and consider how easy it is be arrested
At this point, I would rather have strident anti-hate speech laws like in Canada, Australia, or the European countries.
I do not want to hear about "absolutist" arguments on free speech from the same exact people who will not grant us the right to call out offensive speech or shun MAGA relatives.
If the Trump administration can get away with this 1st Amendment violation, then any of us can be disappeared at the whim of this tyrant and his successors.
"Israel is cashing in – both financially and diplomatically – on systems of control it has developed in the occupied territories. It is exporting its know-how to global elites keen to protect their privileges from both external & internal challengers." - Jeff Halper
He was released the same day as 3 hostages. They, too, were tortured, emaciated, and brutalized.
See how that works? You fuck one side, the other side does the same. Hamas started it. Was this guy just an innocent bystander? We'll never know. But we know many of the hostages were.
Hamas started what? Did you start paying attention on October 7, 2023? Israel has been kidnapping, torturing, & murdering for 76+ yrs. Were the Jews in the Warsaw Ghetto, that fought back against the Judische Ghetto Polizei, 'Bandits Killed in Battle' as was published in the Nazi newspapers? FOH.
"Among the most disturbing political phenomena of our times is the emergence in the newly created state of Israel of the “Freedom Party” (Tnuat Haherut), a political party closely akin in its organization, methods, political philosophy & social appeal to the Nazi & Fascist parties." Albert Einstein
"Several Americans of national repute have lent their names to welcome his visit. It is inconceivable that those who oppose fascism throughout the world, if correctly informed as to Mr. Begin’s political record & perspectives, could add their names & support to the movement he represents." Einstein
Pictured above: Fascist terrorist, Menachem Begin, with 'Moral Majority' leader, Jerry Falwell. Begin founded Likud & was elected PM of Israel, in 1977. Begin gifted Falwell a private jet to help spread their Fascist ideology all over the US.
Just like Democrats searched for a crime they could use to attack Trump, a crime should be found to force the deportation of the terrorist-supporting piece of woke filth.
Your ignorant comment is as shaky as your grasp on the decades-long Israel-Palestine struggle, recognized by multiple UN resolutions. People can express their stance freely, so keep your clueless whining to yourself.
Exactly! Free speech isn’t conditional on whether someone likes the message. People have the right to voice their opinions, whether you agree with them or not. If that bothers you, maybe reconsider your own stance on freedom.
How about just fuck the whole Middle East! Those motherfuckers have been causing problems for fucking ever if you get rid of the old white men maybe there wouldn’t be so many fucking problems
It's nearly impossible these days to have a worse take than what you hear in the mainstream. You came close. Loses points only because you've clearly invested just zero actual thoughts in your position.
Many places in the Middle East are awful from what I heard, what ppl like the poster above you miss is that they will never EVER get better if the West keeps fucking with them like every 20 seconds.
I always hear "the middle east has been at war for thousands of years." Like, bro... So has the rest of the world. That region isn't any worse or better than anywhere else. I noticed people always use this statement when framing the Israel/Palestine conflict as "complicated." It's really not.
No, but like, FUCK israel. They're committing genocide. Victims of war crimes committing war crimes as if they don't absolutely know better. It's like that childhood game, what's grosser than gross? Fucking all of this.
Withholding aid from civilians, bombing civilians and killing them in general, torturing of detainees, use of palestinians as human shields, settlements that are illegal according to international law, use of white phosphorus, killing of journalists and medical personnel, the list just goes on
I don't have a problem with Jewish people, I have a problem with Israel. Similarly, I don't have a problem with Russian people, I have a problem with Russia. Big difference.
Kyle I've beem watching you since the beginning. Every time you call Elon autistic as a derogstory, I lose respect for you. The dude said he thinks he might have it, obviously as a smokescreen. He's never produced evidence of a diagnosis and you're being baited to ostracise a group.
Why is it that we never have enough money for infrastructure, education, healthcare, Social Security, etc., but somehow we always have enough money to give Israel hundreds of $billions in foreign aid??
While I get your point, even the amount we give Israel is a tiny fraction of what we already spend on any of those. What we lack there is political will, not money. There are perfectly good arguments against supporting Israel. This isn't one of them.
Same reason we can give even more to Ukraine: "fight against terrorism." You agree with one but not the other bc of your personal beliefs that Hamas poses no global threat but Russia does?
Maybe we should focus on negotiations instead of funding endless wars?
You can't possibly be thinking that what Trump is doing to American citizens = Nazi Germany. You can call Palestine a genocide, you can call what Trump is doing to immigrants similar to WWII's early stages, but come on. We legal citizens are having our rights stripped but we're not being genocided.
I asked 3 questions in that post and you replied with a word salad about Trump, nazi germany and Palestine. Please answer the questions instead of whatever that was.
I also did anwer your questions and I don't think what the Trump admin is doing to citizens is comparable to anything like genocide, in history or present. I don't think we *citizens* are at risk or victims just for speaking up for Palestine, it reads like a persecution/victim complex.
Last I check Hamas didn’t *checks notes* invade its neighbours for seeking alliances to protect themselves, have nuclear weapons with global reach and threatened to use them or built up significant influence pedaling groups that have interfered with and changed the course of elections.
oh look, someone who supports and defends "liberal zionism".
Maybe, just maybe, it's the ideology of zionism that's the problem? Or you can pretend that things were just peachy for the Palestinians brutalized by israel and the occupation "until Netanyahu came".
94% of Israeli Jews support the kill rate of a thousand innocent Muslim civilians per day. They or their parents moved to Israel specifically to steal land from indigenous people.
Israel had the right to attack after they were attacked however, to refuse aid to the civilians who had no part in the war is wrong. To cut electricity just because they can is wrong. Let felon come deport me!! I’m a born American citizen for at least 4 generations if not further back.
I’ve been told since I don’t know the story from beyond this I shouldn’t have an opinion… but I don’t think they had the right to bomb anything and everything….nor do I think they have the right to turn Gaza over to felon.
I think discussions of “rights” when it comes to nation states are kinda fruitless to begin with; nation-states don’t have “rights” in the same way that people have rights. That said, any nation-state that is attacked will reciprocate. This is predictable. I agree with everything else you’ve said.
Israel has obligations under IHL to not settle (which they broke) and palestinians have the right to use armed force to resist occupation. This is all enshrined in IHL and the Geneva convention.
Don’t know the full history….but from what I know…Israel has its territory and Gaza has its territory. Just to simplify one attacked and kidnapped civilians the other retaliated. But enough is enough ppl are starving and aid is being denied entry…and before this point I was seeing Israel as in the..
The Brits have land that wasn’t theirs for a Jewish state after the war Palestinians were thrown out of their homes with 5 minutes notice Lived in camps like animals As for the territory they were given , basically caged in and need passes to come out to access anything
Wrong but now they should get sanctions placed on them for cutting off aid to civilians who from what I read just want to live in peace. But felon wants Gaza sooo…
Actually I’ll just keep my thoughts to myself it’s not like I don’t have other things to worry about…. Just hate that kids are going hungry like anyone with compassion would.
You said Israel has its territory and Gaza has its territory, but in truth, the pro-Israel movement used their connections with the British government to take land from the Palestinians after WW2. Prior to 1948 Palestinians owned 90% of the land.
No, you should research the things you are taking a position on, because it’s so much worse than you think it is. Palestinians are going hungry on the land that was stolen from their grandparents.
Except this hasn't happened. There are daily hate crimes against Jews, no deportations.
The Left seems incapable of being pro-Palestine without being antisemetic. "[Referring to civilians] they're all genocidal maniacs" "delete Israel" etc. Imagine if we talked about Muslims that way?
To be clear: I support Palestine's right to exist without violence upon them.
I just don't see myself or anyone else actually getting in trouble for that. Wish y'all would focus on the actual deportations instead of pretending to be victims bc you speak up?
This is what happens when illiterates also confuse themselves as Constitutionalists, or as they like to call themselves, "Originalists" - whatever the fuck that means...
We love life. We deserve your support. Save the children Don't stay silent, donate, share, help Your small donation helps save a family.Thank you all
While expulsion is obviusly bad, that isn't genocide. And as I will repeat, expulsion is bad, it didn't happen in a vaccum, it happened in response to the unfair partition plan and the violence of israelis on palestinians
Nothing that you stated to OP implies to the truth of the ethnic cleansing of Mizrachi Jews from all of the countries mentioned. You’re a propagandist that does nothing but pivot and deflect
i maintain that two genocides may happen at once. yes, historically, jewish people have unfortunately been the victims of awful oppression and genocide. but this does not give israel an excuse to ethnically cleanse palestinians. israel itself is founded on the idea that it is a holy land, and (1)
racism is also stereotyping an entire culture of people as being murderous and genocidal??? also have you ever considered that the arabic population in israel has increased because it has expanded to occupy most of what is actually palestine, and the palestinian population is there?
May our country collapse fast for the sake of humanity
No news station will run hate or paranoia pieces ever again.
So if I liked a meme about Luigi or an "eat the rich" skeet, I should worry about being arrested?
And it was the antisemitism of Americans and Brits that took Zionists' wet dream, and made it a reality.
They thought of Israel less in terms of a Jewish Nation State, and more in terms of a convenient hole in the desert where they could just shuttle the Jewish refugees off to.
Fuck Palestine
Fuck Ukraine
Fuck Russia
I like freedom of speech. Good times.
it's for a green card holder
i didn't even praise democrats for their shit they did last year but they didn't deport legal residents for protesting - that's actually worse than anything democrats have done
when did they use israel as an excuse to deport residents with no due process for speaking out, because that is a *severe* escalation that you're brushing under the rug
Ouch! This is a crash, bruh😳
Market closes in 28 minutes
March 10th, 2025
MAGA. This little peccadillo
cost $1 trillion😂
We're disappearing unpopular groups for thoughtcrimes. 5 alarm fire.
2. Palestinians are under occupation and every aspect of their society is controlled by Israel. Let me know when the colonizers LET the Palestinians have agency.
Does segregated roads sound right to you? How about the fact that Palestinians aren't allowed to travel? Can't leave the West Bank, can't leave Gaza, they're trapped. It's apartheid.
And even if you’re not Jewish, criticising Israel and hoping more Palestinian children won’t starve to death != antisemitism
It is disingenuous to conflate these.
The right and freedom of: 1.speech, 2.assembly, 3.religion,, redress of your government.
Also, there's no official press badge given by any department. We are all officially the press. You are a journalist if you want to be.
Rat bastards!
America were f**ked.
How can MAGAts support Israel yet march and chant, “Jews will not replace us!”
Am I the only one who finds this incongruous?
Or maybe it’s not about the people, except maybe USING those people to build said temple?
Then, who cares?
A lot of antisemites want Israel to exist and want it to kill as many Palestinians as it likes.
They just don't want Jews in *America*.
Who says you can't criticize Israel can go fuck themselves.
Hamas aren’t good guys, but the government of Israel is arguably worse.
It’s why we’ll never know about Epstein - Mossad.
👉 how about #Netanyahu instead of Israel and #Putin instead of Russia?
I do not want to hear about "absolutist" arguments on free speech from the same exact people who will not grant us the right to call out offensive speech or shun MAGA relatives.
It's simply awful and disgusting.
I fucking hate it.
And they walk around saying “the Jews will not replace us.”
Then those guys are cool.
1st amendment for me who gets to interpret all laws, and jail for thee whenever I disagree with you
Maga math, maga laws
The bootlickers come against themselves in force
Because mocking marginalized groups that suffer is funny to them.
"Global Pacification Industry"
"Global Pacification Industry"
"Fascist Leader State"
See how that works? You fuck one side, the other side does the same. Hamas started it. Was this guy just an innocent bystander? We'll never know. But we know many of the hostages were.
Just look up Abu Ghraib. If that doesn't make you furious then you're just an inhuman monster.,an%20investigation%20by%20Israel's%20military
It really isn't hard to not be an ignorant twat
What they do care about is how American hegemony helps them exploit you and other nations for further financial gain
This is why even your democrats supports Israel and Ukraine, not morality
Maybe we should focus on negotiations instead of funding endless wars?
You talked about this admin's letter of intended deportations, how is that not about Trump?
This is crazy lvl gaslighting lol
Maybe, just maybe, it's the ideology of zionism that's the problem? Or you can pretend that things were just peachy for the Palestinians brutalized by israel and the occupation "until Netanyahu came".
that's the "good liberal" opinion.
Netanyahu is just a symptom of Zionism
Crticising genocide = antisemitism these days.
AIPAC funded.
Hunter Biden buys a gun.
MAGA: “Criminal!”
Maybe a military response is justified, but they exceeded any reasonable bounds in a clear attempt to make Gaza uninhabitable.
It's mostly war crimes.
The Left seems incapable of being pro-Palestine without being antisemetic. "[Referring to civilians] they're all genocidal maniacs" "delete Israel" etc. Imagine if we talked about Muslims that way?
You are not.
You face neither violence nor deportation for your beliefs. Stop pretending to be a victim.
I just don't see myself or anyone else actually getting in trouble for that. Wish y'all would focus on the actual deportations instead of pretending to be victims bc you speak up?