This is just another way to turn us against each other…it worked once and now we are moving toward fascism…assuming this is a bot to inflate the orange douche
The neo-reactionaries aren’t even monolithically pro-Israel but what they’re really after is using Gaza as the toe-hold in to widen who they will start taking constitutional rights away from until it’s all who oppose their totalitarian dictatorship.
Agree with you on “decent human being” but the bar for their leadership is not remotely near such a high standard of “decency”. They’re misanthropes— sociopaths and psychopaths completely lacking empathy. You can be an indecent scumbag and still have empathy. They’re scraping the bottom.
I see Trumpism as a movement of manipulators and the manipulated.
What unites them is an absence of innate empathy
The difference is that the manipulators were always sociopaths and psychopaths, and had to create the lack of empathy in the media manipulated broader MAGA mass
I’ve met and spoken to Trump (the only good thing I can say about him is he’s not a sadist— but he gets a kick out of betrayal, which may work out if he can betray other evil.) I’ve met Thiel too— he reminds me of Roy Cohn — both anti-Semitic homo-phobes sold out to power and money.
From what I have read of Thiel, it appears that he is suffering from the classic inflation of the ego caused by vast wealth.
What they all need is to emulate and learn the lesson of Phillip of Macedonia, Alexander the Greats father, and how he remained sane when he was the king
I am sure you have a better idea of their public persona than me by far.
But I think in the end they wear masks. That’s the first thing you have to do to be a public figure, to create a persona that sells you to your audience.
Hence why so many go mad and become human husks with no souls.
I get what you’re trying to say but pro-Palestinian rights and pro-Israel (as the doctrinaire position) are opposed and exclusive under the Bibi regime. So your statement is at best muddled. What I meant in my post is many of them are anti-Semites but they’re motivated by totalitarian control.
At the bottom of the Trump movement are many anti semites eg the white nationalists who support Trump, but at the top of the movement the primary antisemitism ar its ideological core is antisemitism directed at semitic Palestinians not against Jews.
You’re not as well connected as I am. I’m an ex fixer of sorts and yes, many high up are hardcore anti-semites. It’s because they have sloppy views about liberalism and bureaucratism and legalism being tied to Jewry. They therefore conclude it must be ripped apart.
I think that level of primitive antisemitism in the Neo reactionary political elite and discourse did exist, but it was stamped as a public discourse out long ago.
That sublimated antisemitism did not go away though, it was merely projected onto the Palestinians .
I am not sure that many of them are anti semites within the Trump Neo conservative and Neo reactionary power structure, for from the top down of that structure re it’s ideological foundations eg Strauss, it was built upon philosemitism and Jewish right wing political reactionaries.
Yep, if they had their way, they would completely abolish it and, in turn, create a white christian nationalist xenophobic authoritarian fascist ethno-state where all laws come from top down only to serve the top and oppress everyone else. Their priorities are all fucked up...
Here is my boggle; when one says free Palestine the assumption is to free them from the genocidal yoke of Israel, but if that were accomplished the Palestinians would not be free. They live under the authoritarian yolk of radical Islam under Hamas, so to free them you need to free them twice
and one of those would be freeing them from themselves. Women and Gays have no rights under Hamas, so freeing them from Israel would not free them and they have no desire to be free from Hamas, so you actually seem to be arguing to simply switch who kills their freedom to keep them alive and unfree
That is total bullshit. Israel's brutal apartheid regime has been oppressing Palestinians and stealing their land for decades, and they have murdered more than TEN THOUSAND CHILDREN in the last year and a half.
Interestingly how very few American citizens prefer to defend Israel, rather than the Constitutional right for free speech. Makes me wonder how many actually understand the real issue here....
Ladies and Gentlemen, I have a nomination for “post of the night “ !! Bravo, I salute you sir 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👍🏾 (Thought provoking/ International + if you don’t consider/concern yourself with everything and everyone … why the hell are you reading ?? categories)
By similar thinking, if you get rid of Israel, Hamas will cease to have a raison d'être.
So far, this kind of thinking on both sides has failed to end the Middle East predicament. Time for something new.
The United States of America has the most lenient gun laws in the world and yet this MOFO is still screaming lie after lie while we watch our economy, education, trade, military, industrial complex collapse due to an ego driven maniac who will never realize WE see them!
Absolutely. Then they label you as anti semetic. Because they refuse to separate anti Zionist from anti semitic. There's a big difference to be anti Zionist is to be a decent human and these Israeli terrorists always want to play the damn victim. Even as they slaughter people daily
This is a dismantle of the U.S.A. States will begin breaking away from the U.S.A. Is this what our veterans of WWI, WWII, Korean War, Vietnam, Desert Storm, etc. fought and died for? This guy is making us an uneducated nation. Fascism! King!
I've no flag to wave for Netanyahu you thick wank-stain. I think the Israeli right and the Palestinian war parties are two sides of the same coin. I shout for neither. It's you who wants a war that Palestinians pay the price for. You are part of the problem.
Na. They have no interest in any ramifications. Where would Jews go? Back to the land and resources taken from them after WW2? This is all the same gaslighting the right have done and it's gross.
As does Palestinian terrorism. In fact, Palestinian terrorism has been awful for Israeli Jews to live with over 60 years but utterly catastrophic for Palestinian Arabs.
Israel has to defend itself against palestinian violence. There's a lot of room for debate on the best way to do so, but they share our values so as an American I stand with them.
Of course, nobody could call Hamas, Hezbollah, Iran or the Muslim Brotherhood in any way fascistic could they? The teachings of Sayyid Qtub? No not at all. Even given the connections between Nazism and Islamism.
It’s hypocrisy. Republikkkans say all sorts of racist things. Now suddenly this irks their delicate feelings. If you can’t handle free speech you’re not ready to attend college.
No. I disagree with what he said, but I’ll defend to the death his right to say it. However, you don’t have to echo his opinions. That’s not the point. And they’ve targeted other speech too.
You need to go sit down and STFU. Palestine is not going to exist now thanks to you guys who all claimed to love it so much that you voted for someone who vowed to destroy it
This is happening around the world. In Australia they tightened the definition of hate speech so criticism of bigoted religious rhetoric could be considered anti-Semitism. It's intolerable that their hatred is protected while you might find yourself prosecuted for speaking out against it.
You know- it's free speech until you take over buildings,engage in threats,violence,segregation,delegitimization of dissent, and in rank anti semitism. Then it is a pure and simple hate agenda.
And then, no one hears you.
But they do see you.
Stock replies here. The situation-more nuanced.
Screaming at, threatening american jewish students accomplishes what?
Defining geography, genocide, understanding history, making the case for themselves weren't protesters strong suits. Supporting designated terror grps,their position,even less so.
So disappointing to see so many brainwashed by Zionist propaganda popping off in these comments. Israel was built on genocide, lives on apartheid, and merely pretends to be Jewish at all. Nothing the Israeli government does is in line with Judaism.
No, that is NOT it. Israel's brutal apartheid regime has been oppressing and murdering Palestinians and stealing their land since long before Hamas existed.
At the time of the Ottoman Empire, in the 19th century, the local population was at most 350,000 people. In the meantime, there were large migrations to Palestine of Egyptians, Algerians, Arabs and Caucasians. I still don't understand why you only talk about the Jew
It must be for the same reason that other Arab countries do not want to receive Palestinians.
Did you know that Jordan was given to a Hashmite by the British as a reward for his help in WWII? The Hashemites are a tribe from the Arabian peninsula who are descendants of Muhammad.
There is no Palestine. Those saying it want to destroy Israel and kill Jews and replace Israel with a country they wish to call Palestine. Stop with the lies.
No that still falls under free speech lol. Yall just don’t know why you’re saying it. Other than the internet telling you too. You and everyone else have 0 clue what’s going on lol.
Same way, if they were being oppressed by blacks. This isn't about religion or race though. It's about powerful state sponsored genocide that has been going on to different degrees for many decades.
It has mosly been agression and intimidation of any pro Israel.
Its been the free-Palestine groupings that has taken media and physical space.
Not that I care...
I do not give a shit about any of those groupings in the middle east area.
I temember the PLO days and the scam it was.
Protest is supposed to make people feel uncomfortable. But valid criticism of Israel and opposition to a genocide do not amount to anti semitism or even the vaguest threat. Your perceived persecution is less valid than documented war crimes and 100K dead children.
It’s way more than that. It’s blatantly supporting terrorism. Calling the 10/7 attacks justified. Calling images of the victims propaganda. Glorifying martyrs. Terrorizing Jewish students with Hamas support and genocidal chants. It’s never acknowledging the harm Hamas does to its own people too.
And I’m sure that the Americans who voted for Trump in the last election cause they thought he would be different on Palestine are so relieved he’s going to level the place to build condos and then invade Canada. Morons.
Governments NEED to differentiate between military and civilians. The military fights at the direction of the government. Civilians are merely residents trying to live normal lives. Maybe military opponents need to go back to fighting on battlefields instead of neighborhoods.
Very true, America, the propaganda machine, has always been a false prophet, bully. The world has good reason to reject us. We failed the world in the name of forever growth.
All free speech in this country has forever been filtered by our government and church. We've been wrong many, many times before this. But, you accepted it and forgot about it because it didn't affect you.
From its very founding based on genocide and lies about democracy and land of the free whilst having slaves and the 3/5 compromise. No wonder the US supports Israel, they see themsleves in the genocidal maniacs.
See, you proving the point, not wanting genocide is being against Israel, huh? Well, yeah, fuck Israel, bunch of Nazis that they are, their ancestors must be deeply shamed and turning in their grave. And fuck their supporters too, genocidal fucks that you are.
Not wanting Palestine eradicated from the world does not mean we want the destruction of Israel. Just like supporting Ukraine defending itself against Russia does not imply we want Russia destroyed.
Not all Palestinians are Hamas, just like not all Israeli people support Netanyahu.
And in the UK they've been political policing and hoovering up peaceful Anti- Monarchy protesters and then letting them out without charge. Absolute disgrace
grASSy PusGus PARTy RAPEHOLE PutzPusGus DOINGMOWNOWNED.S.M.acIyntreGabORmaybemaybeNOTzi.ROBOughT vaX6x6x6erTrumpTRASHOElBrOAF'SHOT4AtREASONetwor6K6K6KRISTIAN'$.$./'5./'z AGAIN thINk Albert Einstein With A NuclearBomBunker ActuALLye "PARKING LOTTED CHRISTIAN'S IN JAPAN" (A Genocid@llnALL) "GENIUS?!!"
LOL BULLSHIT you obviously have never been there and know nothing about the actual history of that area. You’re an idiot.FUCK THE SLAUGHTERING RAPING BABY KILLING HAMAS
Because it's reductionist and ignores the reality that Hamas would not hesitate to commit genocide and makes no secret of it as evidenced by the Oct 7 attack that killed over 1,200 civilians. It characterizes Palestine as purely the victim, which they are not.
They have been occupied illegally since 1967, and now their being exterminated, snipers have been killing kids, left and right. But sure, the OTHER side is being reductionist. If i keep you prisoner , you can claim self defense when you act up. But not Palestine, israel can tho... how interesting...
I've seen the same reports and agree any war crimes are unacceptable.
However, I maintain that characterising Palestinians are purely victims is reductionist as Hamas, their leadership, are jihadist and terrorists in the most literal sense.
Clarification: Of course you should be able to say this. Just be ready for pushback. It's a complicated situation with bad actors on both sides. Binary thinking is a serious hurdle for too many.
Israel left Gaza in 2005. Egypt would join the blockade against Hamas. Hamas attacked Israel. It isn't complicated. Gaza would have been a de facto nation state has Hamas not stolen billions and focused on their charter's genocidal goals.
I've followed current events and studied up on history, and Israel has lost any shred of sympathy I once had. Nothing you say can convince me otherwise. I have seen too much.
Appreciate that you provide your context. And I understand as the propaganda has been formidable.
But as sympathetic as I am towards those in Gaza and the WB, including my personal objection to the settlements, the complexity demands some consideration for the position Israel finds itself in.
And Israel has murdered more than FIFTY TIMES as many civilians, including more than TEN THOUSAND CHILDREN. And they have deliberately imposed widespread STARVATION on civilians. Israel's apartheid regime is barbaric.
Do you acknowledge that Israel's brutal apartheid regime has been oppressing and killing Palestinians and stealing their land since long before Hamas existed? Do you acknowledge that Israel is also murdering Palestinians and stealing land in the West Bank, where Hamas is not present?
Here's another question: do you actually give a shit about the 10,000+ Palestinian children who have been murdered by Israel in the last year and a half? Based on your comments, it sure doesn't sound like it.
La liberté d'expression selon certains est seulement un expression vide de sens : il s'agit juste des las autoriser à dire n'importe quoi et à faire taire les autres
Are you saying that if Palestinians were allowed to have their own state, a home in the land they have lived in since pre Biblical times, that all the Jews in the world would be unsafe? That is really derogatory to Britain, Australia, Canada, the USA and all countries where Jews are safe citizens.
Britain gave Palestine to the Jews. It was not theirs to give. That was the 1st mistake. David Ben Giron stole their homes and land. That was the 2nd mistake. Israel has persecuted the Palestinians with indiscriminate killing and imprisonment. So much blood on everyone's hand.
We gotta free America from trump before anything else good can happen Trumps destructive manufactured chaos is an imminent danger & threat to the whole world!!!
he dosent want it free he wants to take over it and make it his to have dancing men with boobs on the streets and kids holding golden balloons with hi head on 🤮
Totally disagree. Anyone can say Free Palestine. What they can't do is take over college buildings, preventing students from going to class, and then not leaving when asked.
Once that happens, it is trespassing and they should be arrested.
This prolly won’t be popular here. But every time I have this discussion with a Palestinian supporter, they simply refuse to accept any disagreement. I point out that they’ve refused every compromise for 70+ years. I point out that most Arab countries don’t want the Palestinians. And they insult me.
Because its blatantly stupid and false, and we have to assume such stupidity is on purposes making you an asshole, if youre just an idiot, i guess im sorry, but maybe you should stop voicing idiotic opinions if you dont like people pushing back
I need an update — is Communist party still banned in the US? How’s that NOT against free speech? How’s wearing nazi symbols not banned? Why do people who become naturalized citizens need to swear they’ve never been members of a Communist party or movement in their countries of origin? Enlighten me.
I guess with the country imploding i have not noticed what the different Arab regimes feel about trumps Gaza policies?
I support the whole
US Constitution. I support freedom to live and be safe across the planet🤠🫡🇺🇸🇺🇦🏴☠️
I think it's still free speech. You should be able to say "free palestine" but others should also have the freedom to disagree, in whatever way (short of harassment, assault or violence) that their free speech permits. It works both ways.
Free the Palestinians from themselves. With their leadership, they’ve been able to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. Arafat and Abbas during Clinton and Bush are quintessential examples
Remember: Palestinians voted for HAMAS-a long time terrorist Organization to be their government.
HAMAS chose to slaughter innocent Israeli civilians en mass & take hostages-babies, children & seniors who died in captivity.
Palestinians dragging the bodies in the streets.
The statism views are toxic. Just because one protests Isreal does not make them a Hamas supporter , that’s just plain old bullshit. If you believe that, then you might believe that all immigrants are criminals. Liberals with a Trump mindset.
And some of the comments on here is more evidence that Democrats may not take more seats in 2 years in the House or the Senate. Alienating the real progressives is not a good idea. It’s what lost the last presidential election.
Remember: Palestinians voted for HAMAS-a long time terrorist Organization to be their government.
HAMAS chose to slaughter innocent Israeli civilians en mass & take hostages-babies, children & seniors who died in captivity.
Palestinians dragging the bodies in the streets.
Remember: Palestinians voted for HAMAS-a long time terrorist Organization to be their government.
HAMAS chose to slaughter innocent Israeli civilians en mass & take hostages-babies, children & seniors who died in captivity.
Palestinians dragging the bodies in the streets.
need more facts/info about Khalil.
He was an organizer of uninformed college students.
Many "organizers" were paid$$ well to cause misinformation & support for HAMAS-who is a long time Terrorist Organization. Palestine voted for HAMAS to govern them.
See a pattern?
HAMAS is 100% Anti-American🔥
Free Palestine. Free Palestine now. Pull the knife out. Weapons embargo, boycott big businesses, bring our soldiers home, send humanitarian aid, stop targeting children and first responders and educators and journalists and women; free us all, at last.
So you agree Palestine should be free? Let's stick with this one slogan, instead of confounding it with others.
Otherwise it gets real easy to paint every Jew, and every Israeli as espousing genocidal Zionist ideals.
Look again. Russians don’t have free speech. People disappear, are imprisoned or poisoned. I fear we here in America may not be far behind in this kind of regime.
Israel's brutal apartheid regime has murdered more than TEN THOUSAND CHILDREN in the past year and a half, and they imposed deliberate and widespread STARVATION on civilians. They will never know peace as long as they act so barbarically.
You know what my problem with Free Palestine is - YOU HELPED GIVE US TRUMP with your protests against the Biden administration - now deal with the ramifications
You mean all of Palestine, thats been held hostage since 1967 in an illegal capture? All palestinians are being held hostage, and have been for DECADES!
Also, watch out if you are a foreign student. There is a list of foreign students, that several extremist Jewish organizations have submitted to the President, that they want arrested and deported. This list cover multiple Universities across the nation.
We have been (and continue) feeding and financially supporting them for close to a century. They are able bodied and continue to support/follow/elect Hamas as their leaders.
We have done our part.
Since the founding of Israel, neither side has been willing to abide by a fair partition, though the Israelis have consistently had the resources to come out on top each time the disagreement breaks into open warfare, and a willingness to use these victories to redraw boundaries in their favor.
You just have to be a decent human being
That’s what the Neo reactionaries lack.
I see Trumpism as a movement of manipulators and the manipulated.
What unites them is an absence of innate empathy
The difference is that the manipulators were always sociopaths and psychopaths, and had to create the lack of empathy in the media manipulated broader MAGA mass
What they all need is to emulate and learn the lesson of Phillip of Macedonia, Alexander the Greats father, and how he remained sane when he was the king
You are just a man
But I think in the end they wear masks. That’s the first thing you have to do to be a public figure, to create a persona that sells you to your audience.
Hence why so many go mad and become human husks with no souls.
That sublimated antisemitism did not go away though, it was merely projected onto the Palestinians .
The entire idea was invented by Yasser Arafat, a terrorist.
After 7/10, Gaza should be forfeited.
Israel is at war which Hamas began.
So-called Palestinians voted for Hamas after Israel withdrew every Jew in 2004.
There is no such thing as Palestinians. That's your first error.
Arafat invented the concept about 40 years ago.
bebe yahoo and putie?
Can't wait for that day!!😁😝😜
Deportation for that is unjust in itself.
What's being done to him is disgusting and a violation of his rights.
I don't like the guy, but if we let this slide, we open the doors for it to happen to anyone.
So far, this kind of thinking on both sides has failed to end the Middle East predicament. Time for something new.
Free Gaza⛓️💥
Free Palestine🕌
Nation I had made up 10 yrs ago.
I'm a 70 yr old battleax-
try me.
His illegal detention was mentioned on CBS last night and every segment of MSNBC.
👇🏽3,500 arrested for protesting against the mass slaughtering of innocent people 🇵🇸!!
Fuck all the Netanyahu fanboy scum.
Do more reading ya thick cunt.
It was bought and paid for with the blood of millions of oppressed people who resisted endless tyrants over countless centuries.
We should call it Liberated Speech not Free Speech.
And then, no one hears you.
But they do see you.
Screaming at, threatening american jewish students accomplishes what?
Defining geography, genocide, understanding history, making the case for themselves weren't protesters strong suits. Supporting designated terror grps,their position,even less so.
I voted for Kamala for equal protections equal rights for everyone
Did you know that Jordan was given to a Hashmite by the British as a reward for his help in WWII? The Hashemites are a tribe from the Arabian peninsula who are descendants of Muhammad.
Its been the free-Palestine groupings that has taken media and physical space.
Not that I care...
I do not give a shit about any of those groupings in the middle east area.
I temember the PLO days and the scam it was.
Israel is not the victim, it's Palestine. Zionists are the real terrorists.
Imagine how disincentivized Palestinians might be to join terrorist groups, if Israel simply left them the fuck alone.
Citizens want the end of a genocide."lock them up"
Happy that the Bibas babies were strangled, oh just free speech.
Not all Palestinians are Hamas, just like not all Israeli people support Netanyahu.
However, I maintain that characterising Palestinians are purely victims is reductionist as Hamas, their leadership, are jihadist and terrorists in the most literal sense.
Hamas tells fantasies about genocide.
Israel has actually committed genocide.
Which is worse?
Hamas has committed genocide.
Let’s be real about who the monsters are.
Israel left Gaza in 2005. Egypt would join the blockade against Hamas. Hamas attacked Israel. It isn't complicated. Gaza would have been a de facto nation state has Hamas not stolen billions and focused on their charter's genocidal goals.
Israel has not committed genocide.
And in Gaza 2024/2025, Israel had responded to Hamas' attacks countless times and always backed off only to be attacked again. Hamas is the aggressor.
But as sympathetic as I am towards those in Gaza and the WB, including my personal objection to the settlements, the complexity demands some consideration for the position Israel finds itself in.
But the Palestinians did not have to suffer. They chose to reject peaceful coexistence so they pay a price.
Losing winnable elections, really sucks.
Once that happens, it is trespassing and they should be arrested.
I rest my case.
I support the whole
US Constitution. I support freedom to live and be safe across the planet🤠🫡🇺🇸🇺🇦🏴☠️
HAMAS chose to slaughter innocent Israeli civilians en mass & take hostages-babies, children & seniors who died in captivity.
Palestinians dragging the bodies in the streets.
I can desire an equitable resolution for both peoples and still tell folks that those phrases aren't anti-Zionist, they're anti-Jewish.
That's always met by the same tired insults from the same sources.
HAMAS chose to slaughter innocent Israeli civilians en mass & take hostages-babies, children & seniors who died in captivity.
Palestinians dragging the bodies in the streets.
HAMAS chose to slaughter innocent Israeli civilians en mass & take hostages-babies, children & seniors who died in captivity.
Palestinians dragging the bodies in the streets.
He was an organizer of uninformed college students.
Many "organizers" were paid$$ well to cause misinformation & support for HAMAS-who is a long time Terrorist Organization. Palestine voted for HAMAS to govern them.
See a pattern?
HAMAS is 100% Anti-American🔥
Free the hostages
Two states
Simple, right?
It was also "Globalize the Intifada"
It was also "Jihad of Victory or Martyrdom"
It was also "Al-Qassam [Hamas], make us proud!"
And it was many more slogans supporting acts of terrorism.
Otherwise it gets real easy to paint every Jew, and every Israeli as espousing genocidal Zionist ideals.
heart breaking 💔
Did not help !
We have done our part.