also, it's not just about the government getting the money, it's about taking it from the rich. we need to stop the massive redistribution of wealth to the top 1% which is a real economic problem
you’re plain wrong. minor increases and reinstatements of top tax brackets, minimum corporate tax, and a very very small wealth tax, could easily balance the budget. not to mention how much we could save if we did medicare for all
True, we also need to put that money to actual global and community aid instead of imperialism.
It would be extremely easy for the money just from taxing the 1% properly to provide everyone a house, food, water, and healthcare.
I agree, I just think people are under the impression that taxing billionaires would solve the majority of the problems in the US when most of them are not issues that can be solved by making new laws or throwing money at.
Except they don’t even donate to that many noble causes. They funnel their money into think tanks that poisoned the minds of the young generations and produced this tsunami of fascism.
Well, at least their employees would have better lives.
I think that minimum wages should be such that 1 salary should be sufficient to afford a home and a decent life, including healthcare amd education for a family of 4.
If your employees get that and you're still a billionaire, good for you
Interestingly, if you go to the application section of DOGE's website and submit an application... you can just REFRESH the page, and continue submitting applications.
Not that I would condone unprofessional behavior of course, but I find this revelation quite fascinating.
How many times do we have to tell you that seizing ALL the wealth of ALL the Billionaires wouldn't run the government for more than a few months, and then it would be ALL GONE.
True. On the other hand, you can't expect billionaires to want to be taxed by a government of, by, and for their peers. After all, they know those people. We need to get our government back, and then tax these fuckers. Not so much to fund, as to keep them in their place, subordinate to the people.
Whos side are you on?
Thank you ever so much all you Reagan Democrats & Republicans.
It would be extremely easy for the money just from taxing the 1% properly to provide everyone a house, food, water, and healthcare.
much more back
I think that minimum wages should be such that 1 salary should be sufficient to afford a home and a decent life, including healthcare amd education for a family of 4.
If your employees get that and you're still a billionaire, good for you
Problem is all the people who reach billionaire status do so wanting the people "below" them to have as shitty lives as possible.
Not that I would condone unprofessional behavior of course, but I find this revelation quite fascinating.