Glue is common and industrial strength glue ainβt no joke but Elon only pays bottom dollar while charging premium prices, subscriptions most definitely included.
Nothing says efficiency like having to recall 90%+ of your product because you didn't RTFM when putting your product together.
Or maybe it was all the corner-cutting. Is that how it ended up looking so ridiculous? Literal corner cutting? Lack of quality control? Just asking questions!
Knowing how eager he was to send his sperm to Mars, it wouldn't surprise me if the glue was just that..... Don't turn any UV lights on, those cybertrucks will glow like a full moon
Iβve been avoiding Teslas on the road for as long as theyβve been around cuz they will randomly do awful shit, whether itβs the drivers fault or the cars. So just throw this shit on the pile.
This is the unmistakable stamp of a Fascist party for whom terrorism (against Jews, Arabs, and British alike), and misrepresentation are means, and a "Leader State" is the goal. - Albert Einstein, Hannah Arendt, et al
You know, a snake oil salesman.
Or maybe it was all the corner-cutting. Is that how it ended up looking so ridiculous? Literal corner cutting? Lack of quality control? Just asking questions!