There are more subversive ways to fight, but I am just getting the F out of here. I have spent too long fighting, I just want to live. That is not happening in the US. This place is dead, we just don’t know it yet.
There are other ways to fight if you don’t want to be in the streets. Fight with your wallet. Fight with your voice. If we continue to run, nowhere will be safe. They only win if we allow them to. Stay strong brother.
I have done both for 40 years. I was at the Battle of Berkeley in black bloc. I am done fighting, I logged my time, everything got worse. This war is lost- I have a family to be part of. Sometimes you have to know when a gig is over…
I won’t stop fighting, ever. I will just do it from a place where I know my family is safe. This is not it. My son’s school has had multiple shooting and bomb threats. You cannot fight when you family is in danger from directions you cannot defend.
What do you suggest Morgan? Rolling over and allowing “them” to make a world that I sure as HELL do not want for my grandchildren! I’d really like to hear how you think we can stop this regime?
No, we won’t. We had the chance a few months ago. Instead, we failed the world. Best thing is to find a supportive nation, and join them in the fight. Your voice and energy will matter there.
Not soundly. #TraitorTrump got less than 50% of the popular vote. Now that he and his #MuskMinion have revealed their ongoing coup attempt, Americans across the country are turning out to protest.
Democracy is worth fighting for.
Who will stop #TraitorTrump?
We the people will stop #TraitorTrump!
The people united will Never be defeated.
If u are a MAGA just say so.