In addition to meaning both the animal and the city, the word "buffalo" is a verb that means either:
1) To puzzle or baffle; confuse; mystify
2) To impress or intimidate by a display of power, importance, etc.
Twitter died when Elon bought it. It's X App now, in all its ruined, Nazi glory.
I deleted my Twitter in May 2023 when I joined the Sky. I'm rarely a betting man, but thrilled this gambit seems maybe paying off. None of online shit matters anyway, though.
1. Why am I on Bluesky? I want community, plain and simple. Sometimes that community is naked and slutty; other times artsy and academic; still others, wispy and kooky.
What I never want — corporations, ads, influencers, MAGA, porn thieves, etc.
I've quit all corporately owned social media. My past professional life persuaded me that none of them are interested in our well being. They're all abusing our data, even if silently.
I lived life before corporate social media, and I can live life happily without it.
Here are four!
French, poorly.
I miss Vancouver, Canada, but for a long-distance trip, I want to go to Provincetown again or Scotland.
I'm a cock, baby. #rooster.
Does Jelle's Marble Racing count? If not, hockey.
I love all four seasons equally for their own unique magics.
I'm a hefeweisen fan 🍺
Sushi when I can afford it. Poke when I cannot.
In addition to meaning both the animal and the city, the word "buffalo" is a verb that means either:
1) To puzzle or baffle; confuse; mystify
2) To impress or intimidate by a display of power, importance, etc.
I played one year of trumpet and was demoted to tuba, which I also played only for one year.
Long-distance walking, beers, boating, kayaking, nude beaches, video games, and eating ass.
With my darling Sam-Sam in Victoria, BC on holiday.
I have no fear of public conflict, and I'm excellent at words-on-the-fly. That combo can be rowdy and fun.
(It's especially useful in a hyper-masc, hyper-hetero environment like the automotive industry. 😉)
I *could* claw your eyes out and disembowel you, but I'm not going to. 😘😘
Hate is unfair to myself. But I do regret in my 20s and 30s shaping my behaviors to meet CisHets' comforts. No more.
Cisgendered man dreaming for the abolition of gender in the English language.
The most punk thing we can do is make CisHets so goddamn confused about gender they abandon it.
If your pronouns are super important for you, wear a pin. I did too many drugs to remember shit.
Recovering Texan. Embarrassed American. Fake Canadian. Wistful Scot.
But mostly, I'm in a land of my own with my darling husband.
Everything. I have one account, no alt, and everything is me. You get all of me, or you get none of me.
Twitter died when Elon bought it. It's X App now, in all its ruined, Nazi glory.
I deleted my Twitter in May 2023 when I joined the Sky. I'm rarely a betting man, but thrilled this gambit seems maybe paying off. None of online shit matters anyway, though.
What I never want — corporations, ads, influencers, MAGA, porn thieves, etc.
Bluesky has made clear those folks have no home.
I've quit all corporately owned social media. My past professional life persuaded me that none of them are interested in our well being. They're all abusing our data, even if silently.
I lived life before corporate social media, and I can live life happily without it.