I eat peanut butter and jelly sandwiches in my classroom at lunch while billionaires play Monopoly with my profession. Many teachers are barely getting by, and MAGA wants to hurt us even more.
Don’t Defund Public Schools.
Don’t Defund Public Schools.
Firing teachers. Slashing special ed. Cutting student aid and after-school programs; so the ultra-wealthy can get richer? It's lunacy and it’s time to fight back. #DontDefundPublicSchools
Please Don't Defund Public Schools!
Don’t Defund Public Schools
I truly hope they don't defund public schools!
What kind of country do we want for our kids? One where every child gets a quality education, or one where the wealthy hoard tax breaks while schools crumble, teachers leave, and kids lose vital support? The rich don’t need more—our children do.
Don’t Defund Public Schools.
Teachers are the second most important people to children.
We don't need privatized schools filled with unqualified, uncertified Right-wing religious zealots grooming our children to be ignorant, unconscionable bigots.
Public education is vital to a bright future for our children, as well as, our country!