It used to be an all year round work horse , and being Italian rusted to hell in the Winter, so since it’s respray it only comes out in dry sunny weather 😆
I did that the first time I rode one. By the way, sorry I just reread that and it could read as if I was being critical of your new toy; I wasn’t and sorry if It came across like that. The first auto I rode was a heavily tuned piaggio skipper that Terry asked me to test drive and I had to ask how
To get it to go; “rev the throttle” he said and I did but nothing happened and he said “more” and I did and bang; off it went. Taffspeed did some great bikes, miss those guys.
👍🏻. Would be far better for proper touring too, which I’d like to do at some point eg North Coast 500 in Scotland. Wouldn’t mind one myself but would probably still stick to old school on Thursday bezzes around West Yorkshire.
I got one of those (2nd hand) in Rome in 2020 and had 3 marvellous years exploring the city on it - best way to see it by far and great for avoiding traffic jams. I really liked it and the power when carrying a passenger was so much better than the GT200 I had first. It handled really well.
Back in Leeds now and no scooter - too cold and wet, and no garage to store it. However, in Italy it was a joy. We did some trips out of an hour or more and it coped very well with two of us on it. Great for getting to the airport via the ring road, and parking (unlike here) was free.