one of the interesting things about “digital fusion” music to me is how much of its source inspirations are derived from music written for consumer products—video games, ring tones, etc.
yet the result is often music that is uncompromisingly niche, with almost no commercial motivations.
yet the result is often music that is uncompromisingly niche, with almost no commercial motivations.
the kind of culture that's like passing along WIPs, collaborating, sharing samples, doodling around with ur friends motifs or styles, and creating freely completely for the creation itself without caring about things like ownership and all that
makes me think of like oral tradition where people would tell stories, then the people would retell the stories with their own little flourishes
These days I started using it for tunes, like sth that I wrote in mixolydian that is a mixture of modern synth stuff and FM 16-bit for example.
i love that energy so much. even in a collective like infloresce which is focused on being “deep” we’re all gremlins
second, i think people make this music because they love making it and listening to it. and that’s an intrinsic motivator, not external.
but i disagree that “no one knows what it is.” if that were true, why do many veterans and newcomers alike just “get” it?
i consider it more of a methodology / creative lane than the kind of unified sound something like a genre would espouse
but regardless of how you “fit” you’re welcome 💙
and i think a big part of what makes music feel cold, etc. is a community’s shared understanding of cultural expectations and tropes
theres a really long tangled history of influences and techniques that i can point to, but also, sometimes it’s just like, the Vibe ya know. it extends beyond the sounds
like there’s not a defined sound but there’s a particular blend of influences and attitudes and experiences and feelings and cultures that contribute to *that feeling*