16/ It also has a huge number of internally displaced people, making it very difficult to create an accurate electoral register. The UK had a similar problem in WW2 - almost 3.75 million people were displaced internally, compared to about 3.6 million in Ukraine currently.
Ukraine has refugees all over the world who are entitled to vote but nowadays it would be easier to arrange.
The vast majority of the country lived with austerity because of the war effort but never had massive disruptions to day to day life like a country being attacked or worse still, under occupation.
🔹 https://hansard.parliament.uk/commons/1942-09-30/debates/c276973d-5346-428b-ac74-af7abf30bd32/ProlongationOfParliamentBill
🔹 https://war.ukraine.ua/articles/not-sacrificing-democracy-why-ukraine-cannot-hold-elections-under-the-martial-law/
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