Good morning, 16 here now, but our 10 day forecast has highs in the 30's/40's which is about normal for us this time of year. I need to get some plants started soon though so spring is around the corner.
Our 10 day show we might hit 60 on both Monday and Tuesday. I will believe when it happens. Spring is coming, especially since we change the clocks this weekend.
Well the good news is we are halfway to our longest day of sunlight (June 21st). And I hate daylight savings, now we will push sunrise from 7:15 to 8:15 like in winter. Ugh.
So much better than Wed, ended up at the Super 8 in Wells. The drive home on Thursday wasn't exactly a picnic either, patches of ice (a few for miles), slushy, and crosswinds all the way to the Bridge, and boy was the bridge fun, Wah.
Bom dia, UPBB!