Way back when, my parents were planning a trip to Austria. They figured it might be nice to learn some German before going over.
Hired a tutor to come over weekly. One evening I heard peals of laughter coming from the room where the tutor was teaching them.
It turns out “have a good trip” translates to “Haben Sie eine gute Fahrt” where, you guessed it, “Fahrt” sounds quite similar to “fart”.
We got a lot of mileage out of that story. Pun intended ☺️
Way back when, my parents were planning a trip to Austria. They figured it might be nice to learn some German before going over.
Hired a tutor to come over weekly. One evening I heard peals of laughter coming from the room where the tutor was teaching them.
We got a lot of mileage out of that story. Pun intended ☺️
Hyundai had the change the model name there!! 😆😆😆