My country is unrecognisable from when I grew up. It was full of slag heeps, pits and huge craters everywhere. Now, it’s basically as green as my valley, funny how things change.
Every time someone pirouetted from Republican to MAGA, my immediate assumption was "caving to kompromat". With these similar swivels from Tory to Reform, I'm making an identical assumption.
He's served his party for decades, the party that's been in power for 32 of the past 45 years, including the last 14, & is now saying it has been ruined?
Another pedants POV - When did we make the leap from saying we were 'patriotic' to saying we were a 'patriot'? It just doesn't seem very British to me. Patriotism was what we felt and showed, rather than who we were or identified as.
I'm not normally pedantic on social media, but I'm afraid I just can't resist the temptation when someone else is being pedantic and doesn't get something right. I probably need therapy. "Let it go!!!" 🤣
Yeah when you see a twat, call him a twat. Plus the c*nt also in the picture. released a video just 2 hours ago about the dangers of these "freedom" fighters.
Should we start a movement?
Is he referring to when the Roman Empire ruled over Britain?
Well, possibly not.
Now let me think, Longhi isn't a Wiltshire surname is it?
Pretty sure it's not an old Suffolk surname either. 🤔
I love the Italians and Italian culture, from the Giro d'Italia to bel canto opera.
Not Longhi though!
Perhaps they’re right and we *do* need to stop the boats