god i had an Issac run the other day where i got an angel room with both god head and the heart, took the heart. for me ive been playing a lot of spelunky 2 and shotgun my beloved
Might be a bit of a stretch to call dark chronicle a roguelite, but it's still the first thing that came to mind.
Everytime i see this mystery box clown i squeal in delight!
THIS BABY, The Double Flame Shotgun from Nuclear Throne, was pretty much a guaranteed clear for Little Hunter, who is a shithead, and also the ONE boss I couldn't do consistantly.
Hand cannon from the charming Cobalt Core. Strong card, but really I just want to see Riggs pull out a gun (It does damage equal to your current held card number).
I have a soft spot for Coin Shot, and Final Judgement is always cool as hell to find. But this bastard will always do the most in our brain whenever we see it.
I personally find Advanced Depot can hurt other scrolls more than we like, Against the Flow or Dormant Bullet are just completely useless if we have it. Ya'know?
Everytime i see this mystery box clown i squeal in delight!
tech zero gives similar good vibes
hacksaw, under the hood and the best early game non-crafted weapon, the baseball bat
In isaac it's definitely rock bottom though nothing else compares
We got an R-Key on a run that hadn't even unlocked the Womb on a new save
& Something that leads to a lot of options but not total direction.